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Showing words for UNHITCH using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Unhitch
5 Letter Words for Unhitch
chint, cunit, cutin, hicht, hichu, hinch, hitch, hunch, hutch, ichth, incut, nicht, nitch, tunic, unhit
4 Letter Words for Unhitch
chih, chin, chit, chun, chut, cuit, cunt, hint, huic, hunh, hunt, ichu, inch, itch, tchu, thin, tich, tinc, unci, unct, unit, utch
3 Letter Words for Unhitch
chi, chn, cit, ctn, cun, cut, hic, hin, hit, huh, hui, hun, hut, ich, inc, int, nit, nth, nut, tch, tic, tin, tiu, tui, tun, uit, unc, unh, uni, utc, uti
Definitions for Unhitch
[1] to free from attachment; unfasten: to unhitch a locomotive from a train.
[2] to become uncoupled or unfastened.
Words related to Unhitch
unbuckle, loosen, disconnect, unloose, free, uncouple, untie, undo, release, detach, unhook, unstrap
Words nearby Unhitch
unhesitating, unhindered, unhinge, unhinged, unhip, unhitch, unholy, unhood, unhook, unhoped, unhoped-for
Origin of Unhitch
First recorded in 1615–25; un-2 + hitch1
Synonyms for Unhitch
detach, disconnect, free, loosen, release, unbuckle, uncouple, undo, unhook, unloose, unstrap, untie