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Showing words for UNLOADED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Unloaded
7 Letter Words for Unloaded
6 Letter Words for Unloaded
5 Letter Words for Unloaded
4 Letter Words for Unloaded
3 Letter Words for Unloaded
Definitions for Unloaded
[1] to take the load from; remove the cargo or freight from: to unload a truck; to unload a cart.
[2] to remove or discharge (a load, group of people, etc.): to unload passengers.
[3] to remove the charge from (a firearm).
[4] to relieve of anything burdensome, oppressive, etc.: He unloaded his responsibilities.
[5] to get rid of (goods, shares of stock, etc.) by sale in large quantities.
[6] to unload something.
[7] Informal . to relieve one's stress by talking, confessing, or the like.
[8] to remove a load or cargo from (a ship, lorry, etc)
[9] to discharge (cargo, freight, etc)
[10] (tr) to relieve of a burden or troubles
[11] (tr) to give vent to (anxiety, troubles, etc)
[12] (tr) to get rid of or dispose of (esp surplus goods)
[13] (tr) to remove the charge of ammunition from (a firearm)
Words related to Unloaded
unloaddump, disgorge, jettison, remove, discharge, unpack, off-load, disencumber, lighten, relieve, cast, unlade, void, disburden, slough, discommode, rid, unburden
Words nearby Unloaded
unloadunlisted, unlisted securities market, unlistenable, unlit, unlive, unload, unloanable, unlock, unlocked, unlooked, unlooked-for
Origin of Unloaded
First recorded in 1515–25; un-2 + load
Other words from Unloaded
un·load·er , noun
self-un·load·ing , adjective