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Showing words for UNMODIFIED using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Unmodified


9 Letter Words for Unmodified


8 Letter Words for Unmodified

modified, munified, omnified

7 Letter Words for Unmodified

dimedon, diminue, dominie, fondued, founded, mounded, mueddin, undomed, unified

6 Letter Words for Unmodified

defund, demoid, didine, domine, domini, domnei, dudine, emodin, feodum, foined, fonded, fondue, funded, fundie, indium, infume, iniome, iodide, iodine, ionium, medino, midden, minded, mnioid, moudie, mudden, nidudi, oidium, unioid

5 Letter Words for Unmodified

demon, denim, denom, didie, dimin, dined, diode, domed, donum, duomi, fiend, fined, found, fumed, fumid, fundi, idiom, idion, imide, imido, imine, imino, indef, indie, iodid, iodin, medii, medio, meuni, mined, minie, modif, modii, monde, monie, moued, mound, mudde, nided, noddi, noded, noemi, nudie, odeum, odium, onium, undid, undim, unfed, unode

4 Letter Words for Unmodified

dedo, defi, deid, demi, demo, deni, didn, dido, died, diem, dime, dine, dino, dmod, doen, dome, domn, done, doni, doum, dude, dued, duim, dune, eddo, endo, enuf, euoi, fedn, fend, feni, feod, feud, fide, fido, fied, find, fine, fini, fino, foen, foid, foin, fond, fone, foud, foun, fume, fund, idem, ideo, idun, imid, inde, info, iode, mein, meio, mend, meno, menu, mide, midi, midn, mien, mind, mine, mini, mino, mode, modi, moed, moid, mone, moud, moue, moun, mudd, muid, mund, muni, muon, neif, nemo, neum, nide, nidi, nied, nief, nife, node, nodi, nome, nude, odin, odum, oime, omen, omni, udom, udon, unde, undo, unie, unio

3 Letter Words for Unmodified

ded, def, dei, dem, den, did, die, dif, dim, din, dmd, dod, doe, dom, don, dud, due, dui, dum, dun, duo, edd, edo, emf, emo, emu, end, eof, eom, eon, fed, fei, fem, fen, feu, fid, fie, fin, fod, foe, fon, fou, fud, fum, fun, ide, ido, ife, imf, imi, imo, imu, ind, inf, iof, ion, iou, iud, med, mei, men, meu, mfd, mid, min, mod, moe, moi, mon, mou, mud, mun, ned, nef, nei, neo, nid, nie, nim, nod, nom, num, odd, ode, oie, oii, one, oni, oud, ouf, oui, udo, ufo, ume, uni

Definitions for Unmodified

[1] to change somewhat the form or qualities of; alter partially; amend: to modify a contract.
[2] Grammar . (of a word, phrase, or clause) to stand in a syntactically subordinate relation to (another word, phrase, or clause), usually with descriptive, limiting, or particularizing meaning; be a modifier. In a good man, good modifies man.
[3] to be the modifier or attribute of.
[4] to change (a vowel) by umlaut.
[5] to reduce or lessen in degree or extent; moderate; soften: to modify one's demands.
[6] to be or become modified.
[7] to change the structure, character, intent, etc, of
[8] to make less extreme or uncompromising to modify a demand
[9] grammar (of a word or group of words) to bear the relation of modifier to (another word or group of words)
[10] linguistics to change (a vowel) by umlaut
[11] (intr) to be or become modified

Words related to Unmodified

modifyferocious, harsh, turbulent, vicious, brutal, crude, barbaric, fierce, strong, constant, consistent, untouched, stable, uninterrupted, unaffected, frank, blunt, free, vocal, plain

Words nearby Unmodified

modifymodificatory, modified american plan, modified radical mastectomy, modified-release, modifier, modify, modigliani, modillion, modiolus, modish, modiste

Origin of Unmodified

modify1350–1400; Middle English modifien < Middle French modifier < Latin modificāre to impose a rule or pattern, regulate, restrain. See mode1, -ify

Other words from Unmodified

mod·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
mod·i·fi·a·bil·i·ty , mod·i·fi·a·ble·ness , noun
non·mod·i·fy·ing , adjective
o·ver·mod·i·fy , verb, o·ver·mod·i·fied, o·ver·mod·i·fy·ing.
pre·mod·i·fy , verb (used with object), pre·mod·i·fied, pre·mod·i·fy·ing.
re·mod·i·fy , verb, re·mod·i·fied, re·mod·i·fy·ing.
un·mod·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
un·mod·i·fied , adjective

Word origin for Unmodified

modifyC14: from Old French modifier, from Latin modificāre to limit, control, from modus measure + facere to make

Synonyms for Unmodified

blunt, frank, free, plain, vocal, candid, outspoken, straightforward