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Showing words for UNOFFENDING using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Unoffending


9 Letter Words for Unoffending


8 Letter Words for Unoffending

fonduing, founding, innuendo, unending, unginned

7 Letter Words for Unoffending

denning, doffing, donning, duffing, dungeon, dunning, enduing, fending, feuding, fonding, fonning, funding, fungoid, funning, indogen, infound, nundine, ounding, undigne, undoing, unfiend, unfined, unioned

6 Letter Words for Unoffending

dieoff, doning, dungon, effing, effund, ending, fennig, feuing, findon, finned, foined, fondue, fonned, fundie, fungid, fungin, funned, gdinfo, genion, gideon, ginned, goffed, goniff, guenon, guffie, guffin, guidon, guinde, guinfo, gundie, gunned, gunnen, indone, infeof, infund, ingenu, ingnue, inguen, inogen, niffed, nuffin, nunned, offend, offing, ondine, onding, onning, undine, undone, unfine, unfond, ungone

5 Letter Words for Unoffending

defog, deign, diego, digne, digue, dinge, dingo, dogie, doing, donne, duing, dunne, dunno, enfin, engin, ennui, feign, fidge, fiend, fifed, fined, fodge, fogie, found, fudge, fuego, fugie, fugio, fundi, funge, fungi, fungo, genin, genio, geoid, gnide, gnoff, gondi, gonef, gonid, gonif, gonne, guide, gundi, gunne, indef, inned, inone, nguni, nidge, ninon, nudge, nudie, nunni, oenin, offed, onned, unden, undig, undog, undon, unfed, ungod, uninn, union, unode

4 Letter Words for Unoffending

defi, degu, deni, diff, dine, ding, dino, doen, doff, doge, done, dong, doni, duff, dune, dung, endo, enuf, euoi, fedn, feif, fend, feni, feod, feud, fide, fido, fied, fief, fife, fifo, figo, find, fine, finn, fino, foen, foge, foid, foin, fond, fone, foud, foun, fund, fung, gein, genu, geod, gied, gien, ginn, gneu, gode, goen, goff, gond, gone, gude, guff, guid, ideo, idun, inde, indn, info, ingo, inne, iode, neif, nein, neon, nide, nied, nief, nife, niff, nine, niog, node, nodi, none, nong, noun, nude, nuff, nung, odin, udon, unde, undo, unie, unio

3 Letter Words for Unoffending

def, deg, dei, den, die, dif, dig, din, doe, dog, don, due, dug, dui, dun, duo, edo, eff, ego, end, eng, eof, eon, fed, fei, fen, feu, fgn, fid, fie, fig, fin, fod, foe, fog, fon, fou, fud, fug, fun, ged, gen, geo, gid, gie, gif, gin, gio, gnu, god, goi, gon, gou, gud, gue, gui, gun, ide, ido, ife, iff, ign, ind, inf, ing, inn, iof, ion, iou, iud, ned, nef, neg, nei, neo, nid, nie, nig, nne, nod, nog, non, nun, ode, off, oie, one, oni, oud, ouf, oui, udo, ufo, ung, uni, unn

Definitions for Unoffending

[1] to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me.
[2] to affect (the sense, taste, etc.) disagreeably.
[3] to violate or transgress (a criminal, religious, or moral law).
[4] to hurt or cause pain to.
[5] (in Biblical use) to cause to fall into sinful ways.
[6] to cause resentful displeasure; irritate, annoy, or anger: a remark so thoughtless it can only offend.
[7] to err in conduct; commit a sin, crime, or fault.
[8] to hurt the feelings, sense of dignity, etc, of (a person)
[9] (tr) to be disagreeable to; disgust the smell offended him
[10] (intr except in archaic uses) to break (a law or laws in general)

Words related to Unoffending

offendannoy, disturb, exasperate, aggrieve, horrify, sicken, shock, upset, irritate, hurt, outrage, rile, antagonize, sting, disgust, gall, anger, provoke, repulse, disoblige

Words nearby Unoffending

offendoffboard, offcast, offcut, offenbach, offence, offend, offense, offenseless, offensive, offer, offer document

Origin of Unoffending

offend1275–1325; Middle English offenden < Middle French offendre < Latin offendere to strike against, displease, equivalent to of- of- + -fendere to strike

Other words from Unoffending

of·fend·a·ble , adjective
of·fend·ed·ly , adverb
of·fend·ed·ness , noun
of·fend·er , noun
half-of·fend·ed , adjective
non·of·fend·er , noun
o·ver·of·fend , verb (used with object)
pre·of·fend , verb (used with object)
re·of·fend , verb
un·of·fend·a·ble , adjective
un·of·fend·ed , adjective
un·of·fend·ing , adjective

Word origin for Unoffending

offendC14: via Old French offendre to strike against, from Latin offendere, from ob- against + fendere to strike

Synonyms for Unoffending

honest, legitimate, pure, uninvolved, virtuous, clean, clear, good, guiltless, safe, stainless, upright, virginal, above suspicion, angelic, chaste, cleanhanded, crimeless, exemplary, faultless, free of, guilt-free, immaculate, impeccable, impeccant, in the clear, inculpable, irreproachable, lawful, legal, licit, not guilty, pristine, righteous, sinless, spotless, unblemished, uncensurable, uncorrupt, unimpeachable, unsullied, untainted