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Showing words for UNPACKAGED using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Unpackaged


8 Letter Words for Unpackaged

packaged, pancaked, unpacked

7 Letter Words for Unpackaged

guapena, gundeck, package, pancake, uncaged, uncaked, uncaped, unpaced, unpaged

6 Letter Words for Unpackaged

adance, agenda, agneau, anagep, audace, augean, augend, cadeau, caduke, canape, cangue, caudae, cauked, ducape, ecanda, engaud, gadean, gauped, gedunk, gucked, napead, pacane, packed, padang, padauk, padnag, panace, panade, pangea, panged, paunce, pucked, punced, puneca, uganda, unaged, uncage, uncake, uncape, undeck, unpack, updeck

5 Letter Words for Unpackaged

acapu, acned, adage, adunc, agape, agend, agued, akund, anack, apace, apage, apeak, apnea, auden, augen, cadge, cadua, caged, caked, canap, caned, caped, cauda, cunea, dagan, dance, danke, dauke, decan, decap, dunce, encup, eupad, ganda, gaped, genua, guaka, guana, gunda, kanap, kande, kanga, knape, knead, naked, napea, nudge, nugae, nuked, paced, padge, padua, paean, pagan, paged, pagne, pance, panda, paned, panga, pecan, pekan, penda, pucka, pudge, puked, punce, punga, punka, uncap, ungka, unked, unpeg, upend

4 Letter Words for Unpackaged

acad, aced, acne, aden, agad, aged, agen, agua, ague, akan, aked, ance, anda, anga, aped, auca, auge, aune, cade, cage, cake, cand, cane, cang, cank, capa, cape, cauk, caup, cepa, cuda, cued, cuke, cund, dace, dana, dane, dang, dank, danu, dauk, daun, dean, deck, degu, depa, duan, duce, duck, duka, duke, dune, dung, dunk, dupe, ecad, educ, egad, euda, gade, gaea, gaen, gane, gapa, gape, gaud, gauk, gaun, gaup, gean, geck, gena, genu, gneu, gpad, gpcd, guan, guck, gude, guna, gunk, kade, kagu, kana, kand, kane, kang, kapa, keap, kend, keup, knag, knap, kuan, kuge, kuna, kune, kung, nace, nada, naga, nake, napa, nape, napu, neap, neck, nepa, neuk, nuda, nude, nuke, paca, pace, pack, pacu, pada, paga, page, pana, pand, pane, pang, pank, paua, peag, peak, pean, peck, peda, pega, pend, peng, penk, pnce, puan, puca, puce, puck, puka, puke, puna, pung, punk, uang, unca, unce, unda, unde

3 Letter Words for Unpackaged

ace, ack, adc, ade, adp, aga, age, aka, ake, aku, ana, anc, and, ane, anu, apa, apc, ape, aud, aug, auk, cad, cag, can, cap, cdg, cen, cep, cpa, cpd, cpu, cud, cue, cun, cup, dae, dag, dak, dan, dap, dau, dca, dea, dec, deg, den, dep, dkg, dna, duc, due, dug, dun, dup, ead, ean, eau, ecg, ecu, edp, ekg, enc, end, eng, epa, euk, gad, gan, gap, gau, gcd, gdp, ged, gen, gnp, gnu, gpd, gud, gue, gun, gup, kae, kan, kea, ked, keg, ken, kep, kpc, kue, naa, nad, nae, nag, nak, nap, nea, ned, neg, nek, nep, pac, pad, pan, pau, pdn, pea, pec, ped, peg, pen, pkg, pua, pud, pug, pun, uca, uke, una, unc, ung, unp

Definitions for Unpackaged

[1] a bundle of something, usually of small or medium size, that is packed and wrapped or boxed; parcel.
[2] a container, as a box or case, in which something is or may be packed.
[3] something conceived of as a compact unit having particular characteristics: That child is a package of mischief.
[4] the packing of goods, freight, etc.
[5] a finished product contained in a unit that is suitable for immediate installation and operation, as a power or heating unit.
[6] a group, combination, or series of related parts or elements to be accepted or rejected as a single unit.
[7] a complete program produced for the theater, television, etc., or a series of these, sold as a unit.
[8] to make or put into a package.
[9] to design and manufacture a package for (a product or series of related products): They package their soaps in eye-catching wrappers.
[10] to group or combine (a series of related parts) into a single unit.
[11] to combine the various elements of (a tour, entertainment, etc.) for sale as a unit.
[12] any wrapped or boxed object or group of objects
[13] a proposition, offer, or thing for sale in which separate items are offered together as a single or inclusive unit (as modifier ) a package holiday ; a package deal
[14] a complete unit consisting of a number of component parts sold separately
[15] the act or process of packing or packaging
[16] computing a set of programs designed for a specific type of problem in statistics, production control, etc, making it unnecessary for a separate program to be written for each problem
[17] US and Canadian another word for pack 1 (def. 8)
[18] to wrap in or put into a package
[19] to design and produce a package for (retail goods)
[20] to group (separate items) together as a single unit
[21] to compile (complete books) for a publisher to market

Words related to Unpackaged


Words nearby Unpackaged

packagepack up, pack wall, pack-rat, pack-year, packable, package, package deal, package store, package tour, packager, packaging

Origin of Unpackaged

packageFirst recorded in 1605–15, package is from the Dutch word pakkage baggage. See pack1, -age

Other words from Unpackaged

pack·age·a·ble , adjective
mis·pack·age , verb (used with object), mis·pack·aged, mis·pack·ag·ing.
mis·pack·aged , adjective
sub·pack·age , noun
un·pack·aged , adjective

Synonyms for Unpackaged

bulk, not crated, not wrapped