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Showing words for UNPACKED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Unpacked
7 Letter Words for Unpacked
6 Letter Words for Unpacked
5 Letter Words for Unpacked
4 Letter Words for Unpacked
3 Letter Words for Unpacked
Definitions for Unpacked
[1] to undo or remove the contents from (a box, trunk, etc.).
[2] to remove (something) from a container, suitcase, etc.
[3] to unburden, as the mind; reveal.
[4] to decipher or discern (the meaning of symbols, statements, etc.): Each statement could be unpacked in the general theory.
[5] to remove a pack or load from (a horse, vehicle, etc.).
[6] to remove the contents of a container.
[7] to remove the packed contents of (a case, trunk, etc)
[8] (tr) to take (something) out of a packed container
[9] (tr) to remove a pack from; unload to unpack a mule
[10] (tr) to explain (a question, issue, etc) by analysing its component parts
Words related to Unpacked
unpackunload, unlade, empty, unbox, uncrate
Words nearby Unpacked
unpackunorganized, unorganized ferment, unoriginal, unorthodox, unp, unpack, unpaged, unpaid, unpaid-for, unpalatable, unparalleled
Origin of Unpacked
First recorded in 1425–75, unpack is from the late Middle English word unpakken. See un-2, pack1
Other words from Unpacked
un·pack·er , noun
Synonyms for Unpacked
bulk, not crated, not wrapped, unpackaged