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Showing words for UNPROFANE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Unprofane


7 Letter Words for Unprofane

europan, fenuron, frenuna, profane

6 Letter Words for Unprofane

anoure, europa, fanner, forane, frauen, funner, furane, napron, neuron, nonpar, panner, panure, penoun, punner, unnear, unopen, unrope

5 Letter Words for Unprofane

aeron, afore, anorn, anour, aperu, apron, arpen, enorn, epona, fanon, feuar, fouer, frape, frena, freon, fuero, furan, norna, opera, paeon, panne, paren, pareo, pareu, penna, perau, prone, prune, purae, raupo, refan, ronne, rouen, unare, unfar, unorn, unpen, upran, urena, urnae

4 Letter Words for Unprofane

aero, afer, afro, anne, anno, anon, anre, aper, aren, arno, aune, earn, enuf, eoan, euro, fane, fano, faon, fare, faro, faun, fear, fern, feru, foen, fone, fore, foun, four, frae, frap, frau, fren, froe, furn, furo, nane, nape, napu, nare, naur, neaf, neap, near, neon, nepa, nona, none, nope, nore, norn, noun, noup, oner, open, orae, oran, orfe, orna, ourn, pane, paon, pare, pean, pear, peon, perf, pern, peru, pone, pore, porn, pouf, pour, prao, prau, pref, proa, prof, pron, puan, puer, puna, pure, rane, rann, rape, raun, rean, reap, renn, reno, repo, roan, rone, rope, roua, roue, roun, roup, ruen, rune, rupa, ufer, upon, uran, urao, urea, urna

3 Letter Words for Unprofane

aer, afp, ane, ann, anu, aor, ape, apr, are, arf, arn, aru, auf, ean, ear, eau, eof, eon, epa, era, erf, ern, fan, fao, fap, far, fen, fer, feu, foe, fon, fop, for, fou, fra, fro, fun, fur, nae, naf, nap, nar, nea, nef, neo, nep, nne, noa, non, nor, nun, nur, oaf, oar, oer, ona, one, opa, ope, ora, ore, orf, ouf, oup, our, pan, par, pau, pea, pen, per, poa, pon, por, pre, prf, prn, pro, pua, pun, pur, raf, ran, rap, rea, ref, rep, rna, roe, ron, rue, run, ufa, ufo, una, unn, unp, upo, ura, ure, urf, urn, urp

Definitions for Unprofane

[1] characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
[2] not devoted to holy or religious purposes; unconsecrated; secular (opposed to sacred).
[3] unholy; heathen; pagan: profane rites.
[4] not initiated into religious rites or mysteries, as persons.
[5] common or vulgar.
[6] to misuse (anything that should be held in reverence or respect); defile; debase; employ basely or unworthily.
[7] to treat (anything sacred) with irreverence or contempt; violate the sanctity of: to profane a shrine.
[8] having or indicating contempt, irreverence, or disrespect for a divinity or something sacred
[9] not designed or used for religious purposes; secular
[10] not initiated into the inner mysteries or sacred rites
[11] vulgar, coarse, or blasphemous profane language
[12] to treat or use (something sacred) with irreverence
[13] to put to an unworthy or improper use

Words related to Unprofane

profanespiritual, solemn, hallowed, divine, religious, revered, cherished, holy, sacred, consecrated, exalted, rewarded, saved, resurrected, glorified, redeemed, adored, dedicated, honored

Words nearby Unprofane

profaneprof., prof. eng., profamily, profanation, profanatory, profane, profanity, profascist, profeminist, profert, profess

Origin of Unprofane

profane1350–1400; (adj.) < Latin profānus literally, before (outside of) the temple; replacing Middle English prophane < Medieval Latin prophānus desecrated (see pro-1, fane); (v.) < Latin profānāre, derivative of profānus; replacing Middle English prophanen < Medieval Latin prophānāre to desecrate

Words that may be confused with Unprofane

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, profanelewd, obscene, pornographic, profanatory, profane

Other words from Unprofane

pro·fane·ly , adverb
pro·fane·ness , noun
pro·fan·er , noun
half-pro·fane , adjective
non·pro·fane , adjective
non·pro·fane·ly , adverb
non·pro·fane·ness , noun
sem·i·pro·fane , adjective
sem·i·pro·fane·ly , adverb
sem·i·pro·fane·ness , noun
un·pro·fane , adjective
un·pro·fane·ly , adverb
un·pro·fane·ness , noun
un·pro·faned , adjective

Word origin for Unprofane

profaneC15: from Latin profānus outside the temple, from pro- 1 + fānum temple

Synonyms for Unprofane

cherished, divine, hallowed, religious, revered, solemn, spiritual, angelic, consecrated, enshrined, godly, numinous, pious, pure, sacramental, saintly, sanctified, venerable