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Showing words for UNPROVEN using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Unproven
[1] to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument: to prove one's claim.
[2] Law . to establish the authenticity or validity of (a will); probate.
[3] to give demonstration of by action.
[4] to subject to a test, experiment, comparison, analysis, or the like, to determine quality, amount, acceptability, characteristics, etc.: to prove ore.
[5] to show (oneself) to have the character or ability expected of one, especially through one's actions.
[6] Mathematics . to verify the correctness or validity of by mathematical demonstration or arithmetical proof.
[7] Also proof. Printing . to take a trial impression of (type, a cut, etc.).
[8] to cause (dough) to rise to the necessary lightness.
[9] Archaic . to experience.
[10] to turn out: The experiment proved to be successful.
[11] to be found by trial or experience to be: His story proved false.
[12] (of dough) to rise to a specified lightness: Leave covered until it has proved.
[13] not established as true by evidence or demonstration unproven allegations
[14] (of a new product, system, treatment, etc) not tried or tested
[15] (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to establish or demonstrate the truth or validity of; verify, esp by using an established sequence of procedures or statements
[16] to establish the quality of, esp by experiment or scientific analysis
[17] law to establish the validity and genuineness of (a will)
[18] to show (oneself) able or courageous
[19] (copula) to be found or shown (to be) this has proved useless ; he proved to be invaluable
[20] printing to take a trial impression of (type, etc)
[21] (intr) (of dough) to rise in a warm place before baking
[22] archaic to undergo
Words related to Unproven
proveambiguous, problematic, suspicious, dubious, arguable, controversial, vague, debatable, unsubstantiated, dangerous, unproved, hypothetical, analytical, experimental, risky, baseless, unwarranted, untrue, illogical, gratuitous
Words nearby Unproven
proveproustite, prout, prov, prov., provascular tissue, prove, prove out, proven, provenance, provence, provence rose
Origin of Unproven
prove1125–75; Middle English proven < Old French prover < Latin probāre to try, test, prove, approve, derivative of probus good. See probity
Other words from Unproven
prov·a·ble , adjective
prov·a·bil·i·ty , prov·a·ble·ness , noun
prov·a·bly , adverb
prov·en·ly , adverb
prov·er , noun
half-proved , adjective
half-prov·en , adjective
non·prov·a·ble , adjective
o·ver·prove , verb (used with object), o·ver·proved, o·ver·proved or o·ver·prov·en, o·ver·prov·ing.
pre·prove , verb (used with object), pre·proved, pre·proved or pre·prov·en, pre·prov·ing.
self-prov·ing , adjective
sem·i·prov·en , adjective
un·prov·a·ble , adjective
un·proved , adjective
un·prov·en , adjective
un·prov·ing , adjective
well-proved , adjective
well-prov·en , adjective
Word origin for Unproven
proveC12: from Old French prover, from Latin probāre to test, from probus honest
Synonyms for Unproven
ambiguous, arguable, controversial, debatable, dubious, problematic, suspicious, vague, apocryphal, contingent, controvertible, cryptic, disputable, dubitable, enigmatic, equivocal, fishy, hard to believe, hypothetical, iffy, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminate, moot, mysterious, obscure, occult, open to doubt, open to question, oracular, paradoxical, problematical, provisional, shady, suspect, unconfirmed, undefined, under advisement, under examination, unreliable, unsettled