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Showing words for UNRECALLED using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Unrecalled


9 Letter Words for Unrecalled

uncleared, undeclare

8 Letter Words for Unrecalled

calender, cellared, cerulean, crenella, encradle, enlaurel, laureled, laurence, lucernal, nucellar, reallude, recalled, reculade, relanced, uncalled, uncellar, unleared

7 Letter Words for Unrecalled

allured, cadelle, candler, canelle, caulder, cedrela, cleaned, cleaner, cleared, creedal, crenula, declare, durance, elanced, encadre, enclear, enlaced, enraced, laender, landler, launced, launder, leander, learned, lendler, lucarne, lucerne, lurdane, nacelle, neurale, nucleal, nuclear, recaned, reclean, reclude, reculed, relaced, reladen, reladle, relance, rundale, udaller, ulcered, uncared, unclead, unclear, uneared, unlaced, unraced

6 Letter Words for Unrecalled

adulce, aldern, alerce, allene, allude, allure, alrune, aludel, aneled, auncel, aurene, cadere, calden, called, caller, candle, canell, cardel, careen, carene, carnel, caudle, cedarn, cedula, cedule, cellae, cellar, celled, celure, cendre, cereal, cerned, cerule, cradle, craned, credal, crenae, crenel, crudle, cuerda, culdee, culled, culler, cuneal, curdle, curled, dancer, darnel, dauner, dealer, deaner, decane, decare, decern, delace, deluce, dueler, duller, durene, earned, elance, eldern, eluder, encell, encurl, endear, endura, endure, enlace, enlard, enlure, enrace, lacune, ladler, ladner, lanced, lancer, lander, larned, lauder, launce, laurel, leaden, leader, leaned, leaner, leared, lenard, lender, lucern, lunare, lurdan, lurden, nacred, narced, nealed, neared, neurad, neural, nulled, nurdle, nurled, ranced, rancel, randle, raucle, recall, recane, recule, redeal, reduce, relace, relade, reland, relead, relend, reluce, renule, ruelle, rundel, rundle, udaler, ulnare, uncall, unclad, uncled, undear, unlace, unlade, unlead, unleal, unread, unreal, unreel

5 Letter Words for Unrecalled

acned, acred, adrue, adunc, adure, alden, alder, alenu, allee, allen, aller, alure, ancle, ancre, andre, anele, arced, arede, areel, arend, arled, arnee, auden, cadee, cader, cadre, caned, canel, caner, cared, carle, carne, cauld, cedar, ceder, cedre, cella, ceral, cered, cerne, clade, clare, clead, clean, clear, clued, crane, cread, creda, creed, creel, creen, crena, crude, cruel, crull, culla, cunea, cured, daler, dalle, dance, deare, dearn, decal, decan, della, denar, deuce, ducal, dulce, duler, dunal, dunce, dural, duree, eaned, eared, educe, eland, elder, ellan, ellen, elude, ender, endue, erade, erned, eruca, eucre, euler, laced, lacer, laden, lader, ladle, lance, lande, laree, laude, laund, laure, leare, learn, leden, leear, lenad, lered, lrecl, lucan, lucre, lunar, lunda, lunel, lural, lured, nacre, naled, nardu, neela, neeld, neral, nucal, nuder, nulla, raced, rance, ranee, readl, recal, redan, redue, renal, rendu, reune, ruled, runed, udell, ulcer, uller, ulnad, ulnae, ulnar, unare, uncle, undee, under, unled, unred, urdee, ureal, urena, urled, urnae, urnal, urned

4 Letter Words for Unrecalled

aced, acer, acle, aclu, acne, acre, aden, alce, alec, alee, alen, ance, anre, ardu, ared, aren, arle, aune, cade, call, cand, cane, card, care, carl, carn, caul, cede, cele, cell, cene, cera, cere, cern, clad, clan, clar, cled, clee, clue, cran, cred, crud, crue, cuda, cued, cull, cund, cura, curd, cure, curl, curn, dace, daer, dale, dane, danu, dare, darn, daun, daur, deal, dean, dear, decl, deen, deer, dele, dell, dene, dere, dern, deul, dree, dual, duan, duar, duce, duel, duer, dulc, dule, dull, dune, dura, durn, eale, eard, earl, earn, ecad, ecru, edea, eden, educ, elan, elec, elle, elne, elul, encl, ende, ened, eral, ered, erne, eruc, euda, eure, lace, lade, laen, laer, land, lane, lard, lare, larn, laud, laun, laur, lead, leal, lean, lear, leda, lede, leed, leer, lena, lend, lene, lere, leud, ller, llud, luce, lude, luna, lund, lune, lura, lure, nace, nael, nale, narc, nard, nare, naur, neal, near, need, neer, nerd, nuda, nude, null, nurd, nurl, race, rade, rale, rall, rand, rane, raun, read, real, rean, recd, rede, reed, reel, reen, rend, rude, rued, ruen, rule, rull, rund, rune, udal, ulan, ulla, ullr, ulna, unal, unca, unce, unda, unde, ural, uran, urde, urea, urna

3 Letter Words for Unrecalled

ace, adc, ade, aer, alc, ald, ale, all, aln, anc, and, ane, anu, arc, ard, are, arn, aru, aud, aul, cad, cal, can, car, cdr, cee, cel, cen, cer, clr, crl, cru, cud, cue, cul, cun, cur, dae, dal, dan, dar, dau, dca, dea, dec, dee, del, den, der, dle, dlr, dna, duc, due, dun, dur, ead, ean, ear, eau, ecu, eec, eel, een, eer, ela, eld, ell, enc, end, ene, enl, era, erd, ere, ern, lac, lad, lan, lar, lca, lcd, ldl, lea, led, lee, ler, leu, lld, lnr, lud, lue, lur, nad, nae, nar, nea, ned, nee, nul, nur, rad, ran, rcd, rea, rec, red, ree, rel, rld, rle, rna, rnd, ruc, rud, rue, run, uca, ula, ule, ull, una, unc, unl, ura, urd, ure, urn

Definitions for Unrecalled

[1] to bring back from memory; recollect; remember: Can you recall what she said?
[2] to call back; summon to return: The army recalled many veterans.
[3] to bring (one's thoughts, attention, etc.) back to matters previously considered: He recalled his mind from pleasant daydreams to the dull task at hand.
[4] International Law . to summon back and withdraw the office from (a diplomat).
[5] to revoke or withdraw: to recall a promise.
[6] to revive.
[7] an act of recalling.
[8] recollection; remembrance.
[9] the act or possibility of revoking something.
[10] the removal or the right of removal of a public official from office by a vote of the people taken upon petition of a specified number of the qualified electors.
[11] Also called callback. a summons by a manufacturer or other agency for the return of goods or a product already shipped to market or sold to consumers but discovered to be defective, contaminated, unsafe, or the like.
[12] a signal made by a vessel to recall one of its boats.
[13] a signal displayed to direct a racing yacht to sail across the starting line again.
[14] (may take a clause as object) to bring back to mind; recollect; remember
[15] to order to return; call back permanently or temporarily to recall an ambassador
[16] to revoke or take back
[17] to cause (one's thoughts, attention, etc) to return from a reverie or digression
[18] poetic to restore or revive
[19] the act of recalling or state of being recalled
[20] revocation or cancellation
[21] the ability to remember things; recollection
[22] military (esp formerly) a signal to call back troops, etc, usually a bugle call to sound the recall
[23] US the process by which elected officials may be deprived of office by popular vote

Words related to Unrecalled

recallcancellation, withdrawal, summon, remind, evoke, cite, suspend, cancel, dismiss, withdraw, recollection, reminiscence, memory, anamnesis, revocation, annulment, rescission, repeal, nullification, retraction

Words nearby Unrecalled

recallrecalcitrant, recalcitrate, recalculate, recalesce, recalescence, recall, recamier, recanalization, recant, recap, recapitalization

Origin of Unrecalled

recallFirst recorded in 1575–85; re- + call

Other words from Unrecalled

re·call·a·ble , adjective
un·re·call·a·ble , adjective
un·re·called , adjective

Synonyms for Unrecalled

misplaced, forgotten, gone, hidden, lost, mislaid, moved, removed, strayed, unnoticed, unseen