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Showing words for UNSEEING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Unseeing
7 Letter Words for Unseeing
6 Letter Words for Unseeing
5 Letter Words for Unseeing
4 Letter Words for Unseeing
3 Letter Words for Unseeing
Definitions for Unseeing
[1] in view of the fact that; considering; inasmuch as.
[2] the act of a person who sees.
[3] the sense of sight.
[4] with one's eyes open but not noticing or perceiving anything
[5] the sense or faculty of sight; vision
[6] astronomy the quality of the observing conditions (especially the turbulence of the atmosphere) during an astronomical observation
[7] (subordinating often foll by that ) in light of the fact (that); inasmuch as; since
Words related to Unseeing
seeingdark, eyeless, purblind, sightless, amaurotic, groping, undiscerning, unsighted, visionless
Words nearby Unseeing
seeingseedsman, seedstock, seedtime, seedy, seeger, seeing, seeing eye dog, seeing glass, seeing is believing, seeing that, seeing things
Origin of Unseeing
seeingFirst recorded in 1495–1505; see1 + -ing2
Other words from Unseeing
un·see·ing , adjective
un·see·ing·ly , adverb
un·see·ing·ness , noun
Synonyms for Unseeing
amaurotic, blind as a bat, dark, destitute of vision, eyeless, groping, in darkness, purblind, sightless, typhlotic, undiscerning, unsighted, visionless