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Showing words for UNSETTLE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Unsettle
7 Letter Words for Unsettle
6 Letter Words for Unsettle
5 Letter Words for Unsettle
4 Letter Words for Unsettle
3 Letter Words for Unsettle
Definitions for Unsettle
[1] to alter from a settled state; cause to be no longer firmly fixed or established; render unstable; disturb: Violence unsettled the government.
[2] to shake or weaken (beliefs, feelings, etc.); cause doubt or uncertainty about: doubts unsettling his religious convictions.
[3] to vex or agitate the mind or emotions of; upset; discompose: The quarrel unsettled her.
[4] to become unfixed or disordered.
[5] (usually tr) to change or become changed from a fixed or settled condition
[6] (tr) to confuse or agitate (emotions, the mind, etc)
Words related to Unsettle
disturb, confuse, perturb, rattle, disquiet, unnerve, disconcert, agitate, disorganize, disrupt, down, jumble, discompose, turn, disarray, throw, derange, rummage, ruffle, needle
Words nearby Unsettle
unselfish, unsell, unsentimental, unser, unset, unsettle, unsettled, unsettlement, unsew, unsex, unshackle
Origin of Unsettle
First recorded in 1535–45; un-2 + settle1
Synonyms for Unsettle
agitate, confuse, disconcert, disorganize, disquiet, disrupt, disturb, perturb, rattle, unnerve, derange, disarrange, disarray, discommode, discompose, disorder, displace, down, flurry, fluster, fuddle, jumble, needle, ruffle, rummage, sicken, spook, throw, trouble, turn, unbalance, unhinge, dement, get to, psych out, put off, throw off