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Showing words for UNSTIRRED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Unstirred
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7 Letter Words for Unstirred
6 Letter Words for Unstirred
5 Letter Words for Unstirred
4 Letter Words for Unstirred
3 Letter Words for Unstirred
Definitions for Unstirred
[1] to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc., any or all of the component parts: to stir one's coffee with a spoon.
[2] to set in tremulous, fluttering, or irregular motion: A soft breeze stirred the leaves.
[3] to affect strongly; excite: to stir pity; to stir one's heart.
[4] to incite, instigate, or prompt (usually followed by up ): to stir up a people to rebellion.
[5] to move briskly; bestir: to stir oneself.
[6] to move, especially in a slight way: He would not stir a finger to help them.
[7] to rouse from inactivity, quiet, contentment, indifference, etc. (usually followed by up ): to stir up his potential.
[8] to bring up for notice or discussion.
[9] to disturb; trouble.
[10] to move, especially slightly or lightly: Not a leaf stirred.
[11] to move around, especially briskly; be active: Everyone in the house was stirring.
[12] to become active, as from some rousing or quickening impulse.
[13] to be emotionally moved or strongly affected.
[14] to be in circulation, current, or afoot: Is there any news stirring?
[15] the act of stirring or moving.
[16] the sound made by stirring or moving slightly.
[17] a state or occasion of general excitement; commotion: The news created a stir.
[18] a mental impulse, sensation, or feeling: a stir of hope.
[19] a jog, poke, or thrust: He gave the refuse a stir with his foot.
[20] movement, especially brisk and busy movement: There was too much clamor and stir for her.
[21] to move an implement such as a spoon around in (a liquid) so as to mix up the constituents she stirred the porridge
[22] to change or cause to change position; disturb or be disturbed he stirred in his sleep
[23] (intr often foll by from ) to venture or depart (from one's usual or preferred place) he won't stir from the fireside
[24] (intr) to be active after a rest; be up and about
[25] (tr) to excite or stimulate, esp emotionally
[26] to move (oneself) briskly or vigorously; exert (oneself)
[27] (tr) to rouse or awaken to stir someone from sleep ; to stir memories
[28] informal (when tr, foll by up ) to cause or incite others to cause (trouble, arguments, etc)
[29] stir one's stumps informal to move or become active
[30] the act or an instance of stirring or the state of being stirred
[31] a strong reaction, esp of excitement his publication caused a stir
[32] a slight movement
[33] NZ informal a noisy party
[34] a slang word for prison in stir
Words related to Unstirred
stiraloof, antipathetic, apathetic, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cool, cruel, disinterested, frigid, halfhearted, hard, harsh, heartless, icy, indifferent, insensitive, lukewarm, mean, nasty
Words nearby Unstirred
stirstippling, stipulate, stipulation, stipule, stipuliform, stir, stir up, stir up a hornets' nest, stir-crazy, stir-fried, stir-fry
Origin of Unstirred
stir1before 900; Middle English stiren (v.), Old English styrian; cognate with German stören; akin to Old Norse styrr disturbance; see storm
Other words from Unstirred
stir·ra·ble , adjective
stir·less , adjective
stir·less·ly , adverb
un·stir·ra·ble , adjective
un·stirred , adjective
well-stirred , adjective
Word origin for Unstirred
stirC19: perhaps from Romany stariben prison
Synonyms for Unstirred
aloof, antipathetic, apathetic, aversive, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cool, cruel, disinterested, frigid, halfhearted, hard, harsh, heartless, icy, indifferent, insensitive, lukewarm, mean, nasty, obdurate, repellent, repugnant, stony, tough, uncaring, uncharitable, uncompassionate, unconcerned, uncongenial, unemotional, unfeeling, unkind, unmoved, unpitying, unpleasant, unresponsive, untouched