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Showing words for UNSURE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Unsure
5 Letter Words for Unsure
4 Letter Words for Unsure
3 Letter Words for Unsure
Definitions for Unsure
[1] not certain or confident: He arrived at the party unsure of his welcome.
[2] lacking assurance or self-confidence
[3] (usually postpositive) without sure knowledge; uncertain unsure of her agreement
[4] precarious; insecure
[5] not certain or reliable
Words related to Unsure
shaky, skeptical, unclear, uncertain, hesitant, indecisive, suspicious, mistrustful, dubious, undecided, distrustful, unconvinced, borderline, fly-by-night, iffy, indeterminate, irresolute, lacking, open, problematic
Words nearby Unsure
unsullied, unsung, unsupervised, unsupportable, unsupported, unsure, unsurmountable, unsurpassed, unsurprised, unsuspected, unsuspecting
Origin of Unsure
1400–50; Middle English; see un-1 + sure
Synonyms for Unsure
distrustful, dubious, hesitant, indecisive, mistrustful, shaky, skeptical, suspicious, uncertain, unclear, unconvinced, undecided, betwixt and between, borderline, fluctuant, fly-by-night, iffy, in a quandary, indeterminate, irresolute, lacking, open, problematic, rootless, touch and go, unassured, unconfident, undependable, unreliable, unstable, untrustworthy, untrusty, up for grabs, vacillating, wavering, weak, wimpy, wobbly