8 Letter Words for Unwashed
7 Letter Words for Unwashed
handsew, unheads, unsawed, unshade, whenuas
6 Letter Words for Unwashed
daswen, deusan, dewans, duenas, endash, haused, hausen, hawsed, seudah, shauwe, shawed, shudna, snawed, sundae, sundew, unawed, unhead, unshed, washed, washen, wesand, whenas, whenua
5 Letter Words for Unwashed
andes, ashed, ashen, auden, aunes, awned, danes, dawen, dawns, deans, deash, deaws, dewan, duans, dunes, dunsh, hades, hands, hanse, hauds, hause, hawed, hawse, heads, henad, hends, nudes, sadhe, sadhu, saned, sawed, sedan, sewan, shade, shand, shawn, shedu, shend, shewa, shewn, shune, snead, suade, sudan, unhad, unsad, unsew, unwas, unwed, usnea, wades, wands, waned, wanes, wauns, weans, wends, whand, whase, whens
4 Letter Words for Unwashed
aden, ahed, ands, anes, anew, ansu, anus, aune, awed, awes, awns, daes, dahs, dane, dans, danu, dase, dash, daun, dauw, dawe, dawn, daws, dean, deas, deaw, dens, deus, dews, dhan, dhaw, duan, dues, dune, duns, dush, eans, eaus, edhs, ends, esau, euda, hade, hads, haen, haes, hand, hans, hasn, haud, haws, hdwe, head, hend, hens, hews, hued, hues, hund, huns, huse, hwan, nash, neds, nesh, news, nuda, nude, sade, sadh, sand, sane, seah, sean, sena, send, sewn, shad, shan, shaw, shea, shed, shew, shua, shun, snaw, sned, snew, sude, sued, sune, suwe, swad, swan, unda, unde, used, wade, wads, waes, wand, wane, wans, wase, wash, wasn, wean, weds, wend, wens, whan, whau, when, whse, whud, whun, wuds, wush
3 Letter Words for Unwashed
ade, adh, ads, aes, ahs, ahu, and, ane, ans, anu, ase, ash, aud, auh, awd, awe, awn, aws, dae, dah, dan, das, dau, daw, dea, den, des, dew, dha, dhu, dna, due, duh, dun, ead, ean, eas, eau, edh, eds, ehs, end, ens, esd, esu, had, hae, han, has, hau, haw, hed, hen, hes, hew, hud, hue, hun, nad, nae, nah, nas, naw, nea, ned, new, nus, sad, sah, san, sau, saw, sea, sed, sen, sew, sha, she, sud, sue, sun, swa, uds, uhs, una, unh, uns, usa, use, ush, usw, wad, wae, wah, wan, was, wed, wen, wha, whs, wud, wun, wus
Definitions for Unwashed
[1] not cleaned or purified by or as if by washing: unwashed dishes; the unwashed soul of a sinner.
[2] pertaining to or characteristic of the common people; untutored, unsophisticated, or ignorant; plebeian: the power of the unwashed electorate.
[3] (used with a plural verb ) an ignorant or lower-class group; rabble (usually preceded by the ): The author claimed that the unwashed would not understand his books.
[4] not washed
[5] the great unwashed jocular , derogatory the masses
Words related to Unwashed
average, base, baseborn, common, commonplace, docile, dutiful, everyday, gentle, humble, ignoble, low, mean, meek, menial, mild, modest, mundane, obscure, obsequious
Words nearby Unwashed
unwanted, unwarped, unwarrantable, unwarranted, unwary, unwashed, unwatched, unwavering, unwaxed, unwearied, unweave
Origin of Unwashed
1350–1400; Middle English; see un-1, washed
Synonyms for Unwashed
average, base, baseborn, cast down, common, commonplace, declassed, docile, dutiful, everyday, gentle, humble, ignoble, low, lowborn, mean, meek, menial, mild, modest, mundane, obscure, obsequious, ordinary, plebeian, poor, proletarian, prosaic, retiring, reverential, servile, simple, submissive, subordinate, unassuming, unpretentious, vulgar, withdrawing