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Showing words for UPROOT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Uproot
5 Letter Words for Uproot
4 Letter Words for Uproot
3 Letter Words for Uproot
Definitions for Uproot
[1] to pull out by or as if by the roots: The hurricane uprooted many trees and telephone poles.
[2] to remove violently or tear away from a native place or environment: The industrial revolution uprooted large segments of the rural population.
[3] to destroy or eradicate as if by pulling out roots: The conquerors uprooted many of the native traditions.
[4] to displace, as from a home or country; tear away, as from customs or a way of life: to uproot a people.
[5] to become uprooted.
[6] to pull up by or as if by the roots
[7] to displace (a person or persons) from native or habitual surroundings
[8] to remove or destroy utterly
Words related to Uproot
annihilate, exterminate, displace, demolish, overthrow, overturn, eradicate, abate, move, remove, abolish, extirpate, exile, extract, excavate, eliminate, deracinate, weed
Words nearby Uproot
uprise, uprising, upriver, uproar, uproarious, uproot, uprose, uprouse, uprush, ups, ups and downs
Origin of Uproot
First recorded in 1610–20; up- + root2
Other words from Uproot
up·root·ed·ness , noun
up·root·er , noun
Synonyms for Uproot
annihilate, demolish, displace, eradicate, exterminate, overthrow, overturn, wipe out, abate, abolish, deracinate, eliminate, excavate, exile, extirpate, extract, move, remove, weed, blot out, dig up, do away with, pull up, root out, tear up, weed out