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Showing words for UPSET using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Upset
[1] to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
[2] to disturb mentally or emotionally; perturb: The incident upset her.
[3] to disturb or derange completely; put out of order; throw into disorder: to upset a system; to upset a mechanism; to upset an apartment.
[4] to disturb physically: It upset his stomach.
[5] to defeat or overthrow an opponent that is considered more formidable, as in war, politics, or sports.
[6] Metalworking . to thicken the end of (a piece of heated metal) by hammering on the end against the length of the piece.
[7] to become upset or overturned.
[8] an upsetting or instance of being upset; overturn; overthrow.
[9] the defeat of a person, team, etc., that is considered more formidable.
[10] a nervous, irritable state of mind.
[11] a disordered or confused arrangement.
[12] Metalworking . a tool used for upsetting. something that is upset, as a bar end.
[13] overturned: an upset milk pail.
[14] disordered; disorganized: The house is upset.
[15] distressed; disturbed: She had an upset stomach. He is emotionally upset.
[16] Archaic . raised up.
[17] (also intr) to tip or be tipped over; overturn, capsize, or spill
[18] to disturb the normal state, course, or stability of to upset the balance of nature
[19] to disturb mentally or emotionally
[20] to defeat or overthrow, usually unexpectedly
[21] to make physically ill seafood always upsets my stomach
[22] to thicken or spread (the end of a bar, rivet, etc) by forging, hammering, or swagging
[23] an unexpected defeat or reversal, as in a contest or plans
[24] a disturbance or disorder of the emotions, body, etc
[25] a tool used to upset a bar or rivet; swage
[26] a forging or bar that has been upset in preparation for further processing
[27] overturned or capsized
[28] emotionally or physically disturbed or distressed
[29] disordered; confused
[30] defeated or overthrown
Words related to Upset
disturb, unsettle, spoil, dismay, bewilder, perturb, unnerve, distract, agitate, beat, win, overcome, overpower, outplay, disordered, confused, shocked, low, sick, agitated
Words nearby Upset
ups and downs, upsa-daisy, upsadaisy, upsala, upscale, upset, upset price, upset the applecart, upsetting, upsetting lever, upsetting moment
Origin of Upset
1300–50; Middle English: raised up; see up-, set
Other words from Upset
up·set·ta·ble , adjective
up·set·ter , noun
up·set·ting·ly , adverb
un·up·set , adjective
un·up·set·ta·ble , adjective
Word origin for Upset
C14 (in the sense: to set up, erect; C19 in the sense: to overthrow); related to Middle High German ūfsetzen to put on, Middle Dutch opzetten
Synonyms for Upset
agitated, amazed, blue, capsized, confused, disconcerted, dismayed, disordered, disquieted, distressed, dragged, grieved, hurt, ill, low, muddled, overturned, rattled, ruffled, shocked, sick, spilled, thrown, toppled, troubled, tumbled, unsettled, unzipped, worried, all torn up, antsy, apprehensive, broken up, bummed out, chaotic, come apart, frantic, in disarray, jittery, jumpy, overwrought, psyched out, shook up, tipped over, unglued, upside-down