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Showing words for URGE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Urge
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Definitions for Urge
[1] to push or force along; impel with force or vigor: to urge the cause along.
[2] to drive with incitement to speed or effort: to urge dogs on with shouts.
[3] to press, push, or hasten (the course, activities, etc.): to urge one's escape.
[4] to impel, constrain, or move to some action: urged by necessity.
[5] to endeavor to induce or persuade, as by entreaties; entreat or exhort earnestly: to urge a person to greater caution.
[6] to press (something) upon the attention: to urge a claim.
[7] to insist on, allege, or assert with earnestness: to urge the need of haste.
[8] to press by persuasion or recommendation, as for acceptance, performance, or use; recommend or advocate earnestly: to urge a plan of action.
[9] to exert a driving or impelling force; give an impulse to haste or action: Hunger urges.
[10] to make entreaties or earnest recommendations.
[11] to press arguments or allegations, as against a person, action, or cause: The senator urged against the confirmation of the appointment.
[12] an act of urging; impelling action, influence, or force; impulse.
[13] an involuntary, natural, or instinctive impulse: the sex urge.
[14] (tr) to plead, press, or move (someone to do something) we urged him to surrender
[15] (tr; may take a clause as object) to advocate or recommend earnestly and persistently; plead or insist on to urge the need for safety
[16] (tr) to impel, drive, or hasten onwards he urged the horses on
[17] (tr) archaic , or literary to stimulate, excite, or incite
[18] a strong impulse, inner drive, or yearning
Words related to Urge
longing, itch, weakness, lust, yearning, passion, impulse, appetite, compulsion, craving, recommend, force, favor, press, propose, support, advocate, request, push, commend
Words nearby Urge
urewe, urey, urfa, urfé, urga, urge, urge incontinence, urgel, urgency, urgency incontinence, urgent
Origin of Urge
First recorded in 1550–60, urge is from the Latin word urgēre to press, force, drive, urge
Other words from Urge
urg·ing·ly , adverb
o·ver·urge , verb, o·ver·urged, o·ver·urg·ing.
un·urged , adjective
un·urg·ing , adjective
Word origin for Urge
C16: from Latin urgēre
Synonyms for Urge
appetite, compulsion, craving, impulse, itch, longing, lust, passion, weakness, yearning, drive, druthers, fancy, goad, impetus, incentive, motive, pressure, stimulant, stimulus, wish, yen, appetition, fire in belly, sweet tooth