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Showing words for USEFUL using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Useful
5 Letter Words for Useful
4 Letter Words for Useful
3 Letter Words for Useful
Definitions for Useful
[1] being of use or service; serving some purpose; advantageous, helpful, or of good effect: a useful member of society.
[2] of practical use, as for doing work; producing material results; supplying common needs: the useful arts; useful work.
[3] able to be used advantageously, beneficially, or for several purposes; helpful or serviceable
[4] informal commendable or capable a useful term's work
[5] Australian informal an odd-jobman or general factotum
Words related to Useful
profitable, good, helpful, effective, convenient, fruitful, practical, appropriate, favorable, proper, pragmatic, suitable, handy, advantageous, utile, applied, brave, commodious, fit, functional
Words nearby Useful
use up, use-by date, usecc, used, used to, useful, useless, usenet, user, user experience, user group
Origin of Useful
First recorded in 1585–95; use + -ful
Other words from Useful
use·ful·ly , adverb
use·ful·ness , noun
un·use·ful , adjective
un·use·ful·ly , adverb
un·use·ful·ness , noun
Synonyms for Useful
advantageous, appropriate, convenient, effective, favorable, fruitful, good, handy, helpful, practical, pragmatic, profitable, proper, suitable, utile, all-purpose, applied, brave, commodious, fit, functional, instrumental, meet, of assistance, of service, of use, practicable, propitious, purposive, salutary, serviceable, subsidiary, suited, toward