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Showing words for USUAL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Usual
4 Letter Words for Usual
3 Letter Words for Usual
Definitions for Usual
[1] habitual or customary: her usual skill.
[2] commonly met with or observed in experience; ordinary: the usual January weather.
[3] commonplace; everyday: He says the usual things.
[4] something that is usual: He could expect only the usual.
[5] as usual , in the customary or usual manner: As usual, he forgot my birthday.
[6] of the most normal, frequent, or regular type; customary that's the usual sort of application to send
[7] ordinary or commonplace events (esp in the phrase out of the usual )
[8] the usual informal the habitual or usual drink, meal, etc
Words related to Usual
conventional, constant, normal, familiar, natural, current, regular, routine, expected, customary, everyday, frequent, prevailing, accepted, accustomed, average, chronic, commonplace, cut-and-dried, fixed
Words nearby Usual
usts, ustulate, ustulation, ustyurt, usu., usual, usually, usucapion, usufruct, usufructuary, usumacinta
Origin of Usual
1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin ūsuālis, equivalent to Latin ūsu-, stem of ūsus use (see use (noun)) + -ālis -al1; compare Old French usuel
Other words from Usual
u·su·al·ly , adverb
u·su·al·ness , noun
Word origin for Usual
C14: from Late Latin ūsuālis ordinary, from Latin ūsus use
Synonyms for Usual
constant, conventional, current, customary, everyday, expected, familiar, frequent, natural, normal, prevailing, regular, routine, accepted, accustomed, average, chronic, commonplace, cut-and-dried, fixed, garden variety, general, grind, habitual, mainstream, matter-of-course, ordinary, plain, plastic, prevalent, quotidian, rife, run-of-the-mill, so-so, standard, stock, typic, unremarkable, vanilla, white-bread, wonted, workaday