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Showing words for VACATING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Vacating


7 Letter Words for Vacating

agnatic, cantiga, vaganti, vatican

6 Letter Words for Vacating

acting, antica, atavic, atinga, avanti, cangia, cating, caving, gitana, natica, tanica, vacant, vagant, vagina, vinata

5 Letter Words for Vacating

acing, actin, again, agita, agnat, angia, antic, atavi, ating, avant, avian, cagit, catan, cavia, cavin, ganta, gavia, giant, inact, navig, niata, tacan, taiga, tanga, tangi, tania, tiang, tinca, vatic, vigna, vinca, vingt, vinta

4 Letter Words for Vacating

acta, actg, agin, agit, agni, aina, aint, anat, anga, anta, anti, cain, cang, cant, cava, gaia, gain, gait, gant, gata, gnat, inca, inga, inta, invt, naga, nagi, naig, navi, ngai, taig, tain, tana, tang, tava, tinc, ting, vagi, vain, vang, vant, vica, viga, vina, vint, vita

3 Letter Words for Vacating

act, aga, agt, aia, ain, ait, ana, anc, ant, ava, avg, avn, cag, cai, can, cat, cav, cia, cig, cit, civ, ctg, ctn, cva, gan, gat, gin, git, gtc, iaa, ign, inc, ing, int, inv, ita, iva, naa, nag, nat, nav, nig, nit, taa, tag, tai, tan, tav, tgn, tic, tig, tin, tng, vac, vag, van, vat, via, vic, vig, vin

Definitions for Vacating

[1] to give up possession or occupancy of: to vacate an apartment.
[2] to give up or relinquish (an office, position, etc.): to vacate the presidency of a firm.
[3] to render inoperative; deprive of validity; void; annul: to vacate a legal judgment.
[4] to cause to be empty or unoccupied; make vacant: to vacate one's mind of worries.
[5] to withdraw from occupancy; surrender possession: We will have to vacate when our lease expires.
[6] to give up or leave a position, office, etc.
[7] to leave; go away.
[8] to cause (something) to be empty, esp by departing from or abandoning it to vacate a room
[9] (also intr) to give up the tenure, possession, or occupancy of (a place, post, etc); leave or quit
[10] law to cancel or rescind to make void or of no effect; annul

Words related to Vacating

vacaterelinquish, quit, annul, revoke, reverse, renounce, void, evacuate, dissolve, quash, withdraw, abandon, depart, empty, rescind, leave, discharge, clear, retract, abrogate

Words nearby Vacating

vacatevaasa, vac, vacancy, vacant, vacant possession, vacate, vacation, vacation bible school, vacation pay, vacationer, vacationland

Origin of Vacating

e1635–45; < Latin vacātus past participle of vacāre to be empty; see -ate1

Other words from Vacating

va·cat·a·ble , adjective
pre·va·cate , verb (used with object), pre·va·cat·ed, pre·va·cat·ing.
re·va·cate , verb (used with object), re·va·cat·ed, re·va·cat·ing.
un·va·cat·ed , adjective

Synonyms for Vacating

abandon, annul, depart, dissolve, empty, evacuate, give up, move out, quash, quit, relinquish, renounce, rescind, reverse, revoke, void, withdraw, abrogate, clear, discharge, leave, retract, go away, move out of, part with