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Showing words for VACUITY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Vacuity
6 Letter Words for Vacuity
5 Letter Words for Vacuity
4 Letter Words for Vacuity
3 Letter Words for Vacuity
Definitions for Vacuity
[1] the state of being vacuous or without contents; vacancy; emptiness: the vacuity of the open sea.
[2] absence of thought or intelligence; inanity; blankness: a mind of undeniable vacuity.
[3] a time or state of dullness, lacking in mental or physical action or productivity: the vacuity of modern existence.
[4] an empty space; void: a vacuity in the earth formed by erosion.
[5] absence or lack of something specified: a vacuity of feeling.
[6] something inane, senseless, or stupid: conversation full of vacuities.
[7] a vacuum.
[8] the state or quality of being vacuous; emptiness
[9] an empty space or void; vacuum
[10] a lack or absence of something specified a vacuity of wind
[11] lack of normal intelligence or awareness; vacancy his stare gave an impression of complete vacuity
[12] something, such as a statement, saying, etc, that is inane or pointless
[13] (in customs terminology) the difference in volume between the actual contents of a container and its full capacity
Words related to Vacuity
vacancy, nothingness, nihility, void, vacuum, vacuousness, stupidity
Words nearby Vacuity
vacillating, vacillation, vacillatory, vacterl syndrome, vacua, vacuity, vacuolate, vacuolated, vacuolation, vacuole, vacuous
Origin of Vacuity
From the Latin word vacuitās, dating back to 1535–45. See vacuous, -ity
Word origin for Vacuity
C16: from Latin vacuitās empty space, from vacuus empty