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Showing words for VADUZ using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Vaduz
3 Letter Words for Vaduz
Definitions for Vaduz
[1] a city in and the capital of Liechtenstein, on the upper Rhine.
[2] a small principality in central Europe between Austria and Switzerland: economically linked with Switzerland. 65 sq. mi. (168 sq. km). Capital : Vaduz.
[3] the capital of Liechtenstein, in the Rhine valley: an old market town, dominated by a medieval castle, residence of the prince of Liechtenstein. Pop: 5005 (2003 est)
[4] a small mountainous principality in central Europe on the Rhine: formed in 1719 by the uniting of the lordships of Schellenburg and Vaduz, which had been purchased by the Austrian family of Liechtenstein; customs union formed with Switzerland in 1924. Official language: German. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: Swiss franc. Capital: Vaduz. Pop: 37 009 (2003 est). Area: 160 sq km (62 sq miles)
Words that may be confused with Vaduz
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, LiechtensteinLichtenstein, Liechtenstein
Other words from Vaduz
Liech·ten·stein·er , noun