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Showing words for VALUATE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Valuate
6 Letter Words for Valuate
5 Letter Words for Valuate
4 Letter Words for Valuate
3 Letter Words for Valuate
Definitions for Valuate
[1] to set a value on; appraise.
[2] US another word for value (def. 10), value (def. 12), evaluate
Words related to Valuate
consider, figure, predict, prophesy, tax, number, rank, budget, assess, rate, gauge, expect, deduce, enumerate, decide, surmise, guess, calculate, sum, suspect
Words nearby Valuate
valproic acid, valsalva, valsalva maneuver, valse, valuable, valuate, valuation, valuator, value, value added, value date
Origin of Valuate
First recorded in 1870–75; back formation from valuation
Other words from Valuate
val·u·a·tor , noun
Synonyms for Valuate
account, appraise, assay, assess, believe, budget, calculate, cast, cipher, class, classify, compute, conjecture, consider, count, decide, deduce, determine, enumerate, evaluate, examine, expect, figure, gauge, guess, guesstimate, judge, number, outline, plan, predict, prophesy, rank, rate, reason, reckon, regard, scheme, sum, suppose, surmise, suspect, tax, think, value, calculate roughly, form opinion, look into, look upon, run over, set a figure, size up, take the measure of, think through