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Showing words for VANILLA using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Vanilla
6 Letter Words for Vanilla
5 Letter Words for Vanilla
4 Letter Words for Vanilla
3 Letter Words for Vanilla
Definitions for Vanilla
[1] any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, especially V. planifolia, bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food, in perfumery, etc.
[2] Also called vanilla bean . the fruit or bean of this orchid.
[3] the extract of this fruit.
[4] containing or flavored with vanilla: vanilla custard.
[5] Informal . plain-vanilla.
[6] any tropical climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, esp V. plonifolia, having spikes of large fragrant greenish-yellow flowers and long fleshy pods containing the seeds (beans)
[7] the pod or bean of certain of these plants, used to flavour food, etc
[8] a flavouring extract prepared from vanilla beans and used in cooking
[9] flavoured with or as if with vanilla vanilla ice cream
[10] slang ordinary or conventional a vanilla kind of guy
Words related to Vanilla
rustic, plain, clean, austere, elementary, folksy, homely, humble, modest, uncomplicated, unembellished, unpretentious, unostentatious, uncluttered
Words nearby Vanilla
vanga shrike, vanguard, vanguardism, vanhal, vanier, vanilla, vanilla plant, vanillic, vanillin, vanillism, vanillylmandelic acid
Origin of Vanilla
1655–65; < New Latin < Spanish vainilla little pod, equivalent to vain(a ) a sheath (< Latin vāgīna sheath) + -illa diminutive suffix (< LL)
Word origin for Vanilla
C17: from New Latin, from Spanish vainilla pod, from vaina a sheath, from Latin vāgīna sheath
Synonyms for Vanilla
clean, plain, rustic, austere, elementary, folksy, homely, humble, inelaborate, modest, pure and simple, uncluttered, uncomplicated, undecorated, unelaborate, unembellished, unornamented, unostentatious, unpretentious, your basic