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Showing words for VAPORS using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Vapors
5 Letter Words for Vapors
4 Letter Words for Vapors
3 Letter Words for Vapors
Definitions for Vapors
[1] a visible exhalation, as fog, mist, steam, smoke, or noxious gas, diffused through or suspended in the air: the vapors rising from the bogs.
[2] Physics . a gas at a temperature below its critical temperature.
[3] a substance converted into vapor for technical or medicinal uses.
[4] a combination of a vaporized substance and air.
[5] gaseous particles of drugs that can be inhaled as a therapeutic agent.
[6] Archaic . a strange, senseless, or fantastic notion. something insubstantial or transitory.
[7] vapors, Archaic . mental depression or hypochondria. injurious exhalations formerly supposed to be produced within the body, especially in the stomach.
[8] to cause to rise or pass off in, or as if in, vapor; vaporize.
[9] Archaic . to affect with vapors; depress.
[10] to rise or pass off in the form of vapor.
[11] to emit vapor or exhalations.
[12] to talk or act grandiloquently, pompously, or boastfully; bluster.
[13] the US spelling of vapour
Words related to Vapors
vaporcondensation, smoke, gas, fog, moisture, smog, steam, effluvium, dew, breath, haze, exhalation, miasma, reek, dampness
Words nearby Vapors
vaporvanzetti, vape, vape pen, vaphio, vapid, vapor, vapor barrier, vapor lock, vapor pressure, vapor tension, vapor trail
Origin of Vapors
1325–75; Middle English vapour < Latin vapor steam
Other words from Vapors
va·por·a·ble , adjective
va·por·a·bil·i·ty , noun
va·por·er , noun
va·por·less , adjective
va·por·like , adjective
vaporize verb
Synonyms for Vapors
condensation, fog, gas, moisture, smog, smoke, steam, breath, dampness, dew, effluvium, exhalation, haze, miasma, reek