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Showing words for VARIABLE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Variable


7 Letter Words for Variable

airable, availer, reavail, velaria

6 Letter Words for Variable

abelia, ablare, aerial, arable, aralie, availe, averia, averil, bailer, barile, barvel, blaver, larvae, libera, librae, realia, verbal, viable

5 Letter Words for Variable

abave, abear, abler, aevia, aiver, alive, alvar, alvia, areal, ariel, arval, arvel, avail, avale, avera, avile, baile, balai, balei, baler, baria, barie, beala, beira, belar, bevil, birle, blaer, blair, blare, blear, blier, blive, brail, brava, brave, bravi, breva, brevi, erbia, ervil, laari, labia, labra, larva, larve, laver, lavra, levir, liber, libra, libre, liver, livre, rabal, raile, ravel, reaal, rival, rivel, vaire, varia, velar, viler, viral

4 Letter Words for Variable

abel, abir, able, abri, aiel, aile, aire, aivr, alae, alai, alar, alba, albe, alia, arab, arba, area, aria, aril, arle, aval, aver, avie, baal, baar, bail, bale, bali, balr, bara, bare, bari, beal, bear, bela, bier, bile, birl, blae, blea, brae, brei, brev, brie, earl, eila, eira, eral, eria, eval, evil, iaea, iare, ilea, laer, lair, lare, lari, lava, lave, lear, leir, leva, levi, liar, libr, lier, lira, lire, live, rabi, raia, rail, rale, rave, real, rial, ribe, riel, rile, riva, rive, vail, vair, vale, vali, vara, vare, vari, veal, veil, vela, vera, verb, veri, vial, vibe, vier, vila, vile, virl, vlei, vril

3 Letter Words for Variable

aal, aba, abl, abr, abv, aer, aia, ail, air, ala, alb, ale, ara, arb, are, ava, ave, baa, bae, bai, bal, bar, bel, ber, bra, brl, ear, eir, ela, elb, eli, era, iaa, iba, ile, ira, ire, iva, ive, laa, lab, lai, lar, lav, lea, lei, ler, lev, lib, lie, lir, rab, rai, rbi, rea, reb, rei, rel, rev, ria, rib, rie, riv, rle, vae, val, var, vei, vel, ver, via, vie, vil

Definitions for Variable

[1] apt or liable to vary or change; changeable: variable weather; variable moods.
[2] capable of being varied or changed; alterable: a variable time limit for completion of a book.
[3] inconstant; fickle: a variable lover.
[4] having much variation or diversity.
[5] Biology . deviating from the usual type, as a species or a specific character.
[6] Astronomy . (of a star) changing in brightness.
[7] Meteorology . (of wind) tending to change in direction.
[8] Mathematics . having the nature or characteristics of a variable.
[9] something that may or does vary or change; a variable feature or factor.
[10] Mathematics , Computers . a quantity or function that may assume any given value or set of values. a symbol that represents this.
[11] Logic . (in the functional calculus) a symbol for an unspecified member of a class of things or statements. Compare bound variable, free variable.
[12] Astronomy . variable star.
[13] Meteorology . a shifting wind, especially as distinguished from a trade wind. variables, doldrums(def 2a) .
[14] liable to or capable of change variable weather
[15] (of behaviour, opinions, emotions, etc) lacking constancy; fickle
[16] maths having a range of possible values
[17] (of a species, characteristic, etc) liable to deviate from the established type
[18] (of a wind) varying its direction and intensity
[19] (of an electrical component or device) designed so that a characteristic property, such as resistance, can be varied variable capacitor
[20] something that is subject to variation
[21] maths an expression that can be assigned any of a set of values a symbol, esp x, y, or z, representing an unspecified member of a class of objects, numbers, etc See also dependent variable, independent variable
[22] logic a symbol, esp x, y, z, representing any member of a class of entities
[23] computing a named unit of storage that can be changed to any of a set of specified values during execution of a program
[24] astronomy See variable star
[25] a variable wind
[26] (plural) a region where variable winds occur

Words related to Variable

fickle, volatile, fluctuating, irregular, mobile, fluid, wavering, yo-yo, capricious, fitful, flexible, iffy, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, shifty, slippery, spasmodic, temperamental, ticklish

Words nearby Variable

vargueno, vari, vari-, varia, varia lectio, variable, variable annuity, variable contrast paper, variable cost, variable life insurance, variable region

Origin of Variable

1350–1400; late Middle English < Latin variābilis, equivalent to vari(us ) various + -ābilis -able

Words that may be confused with Variable

boundary, limit, parameter, variable, (see, synonym, study, at, boundary), (see, usage, note, at, parameter), variable, variant

Other words from Variable

var·i·a·bil·i·ty , var·i·a·ble·ness , noun
var·i·a·bly , adverb
hy·per·var·i·a·bil·i·ty , noun
hy·per·var·i·a·ble , adjective
hy·per·var·i·a·bly , adverb
non·var·i·a·bil·i·ty , noun
non·var·i·a·ble , adjective
non·var·i·a·ble·ness , noun
non·var·i·a·bly , adverb
un·var·i·a·ble , adjective
un·var·i·a·ble·ness , noun
un·var·i·a·bly , adverb

Word origin for Variable

C14: from Latin variābilis changeable, from variāre to diversify

Synonyms for Variable

fickle, fluctuating, volatile, fluid, irregular, mobile, shifting, wavering, yo-yo, capricious, changeful, fitful, flexible, iffy, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, protean, shifty, slippery, spasmodic, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unequable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, waffling