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Showing words for VARIANCE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Variance
7 Letter Words for Variance
6 Letter Words for Variance
5 Letter Words for Variance
4 Letter Words for Variance
3 Letter Words for Variance
Definitions for Variance
[1] the state, quality, or fact of being variable, divergent, different, or anomalous.
[2] an instance of varying; difference; discrepancy.
[3] Also called mean square deviation. Statistics . the square of the standard deviation.
[4] Physics , Chemistry . the number of degrees of freedom of a system.
[5] Law . a difference or discrepancy, as between two statements or documents in law that should agree. a departure from the cause of action originally stated in the complaint.
[6] an official permit to do something normally forbidden by regulations, especially by building in a way or for a purpose normally forbidden by a zoning law or a building code.
[7] a disagreement, dispute, or quarrel.
[8] at variance , (of things) in a state of difference or disagreement. (of persons) in a state of controversy or dissension: at variance with one's superiors.
[9] the act of varying or the quality, state, or degree of being divergent; discrepancy
[10] an instance of diverging; dissension our variance on this matter should not affect our friendship
[11] at variance (often foll by with) (of facts, etc) not in accord; conflicting (of persons) in a state of dissension
[12] statistics a measure of dispersion obtained by taking the mean of the squared deviations of the observed values from their mean in a frequency distribution
[13] a difference or discrepancy between two steps in a legal proceeding, esp between a statement in a pleading and the evidence given to support it
[14] (in the US and Canada) a licence or authority issued by the board of variance to contravene the usual rule, esp to build contrary to the provision of a zoning code
[15] chem the number of degrees of freedom of a system, used in the phase rule
[16] accounting the difference between actual and standard costs of production
Words related to Variance
deviation, fluctuation, divergence, discrepancy, discord, dissent, disunity, incongruity, argument, variety, flip-flop, change, about-face, conflict, mutation, division, diversity, contention, disagreement, variation
Words nearby Variance
variable star, variable-density wind tunnel, variable-geometry, variable-pitch, variable-rate, variance, variant, variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease, variate, variation, varication
Origin of Variance
1300–50; Middle English < Latin variantia, equivalent to vari(āre ) to vary) + -antia -ance
Other words from Variance
non·var·i·ance , noun
self-var·i·ance , noun
Synonyms for Variance
deviation, difference of opinion, discrepancy, divergence, fluctuation, about-face, argument, change, conflict, contention, disagreement, discord, dissension, dissent, dissidence, disunity, diversity, division, flip-flop, incongruity, inconsistency, mutation, separation, severing, strife, switch, transmogrification, variation, variety, different strokes, disaccord, mid-course correction, sundering, unharmoniousness