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Showing words for VARIATION using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Variation


8 Letter Words for Variation


7 Letter Words for Variation

antiair, aration, aviator, intaria, invitor, otarian, ovarian, tranvia, variant, vinitor, vitrain

6 Letter Words for Variation

aition, anotia, antiar, aroint, atonia, avanti, oitava, otaria, ovaria, ovarin, ovinia, ratina, ration, rivina, tarvia, tirana, torana, trivia, viator, vinata, virino, virion, vorant

5 Letter Words for Variation

aaron, ainoi, airan, anoia, anova, antar, antra, aorta, arain, arati, arian, ariot, atavi, atria, avant, avian, avion, avoir, intra, intro, invar, ionia, iortn, irani, irian, naira, navar, niata, niota, nitro, noria, norit, orant, ovant, raita, ratan, ratio, ravin, riant, riata, rotan, taino, taira, tairn, tania, tanoa, tarin, tiara, toran, torii, tovar, train, trina, trona, vanir, varan, varia, vario, varna, vinta, viron, vitra, vitro

4 Letter Words for Variation

aina, aint, aion, airn, airt, aivr, anat, anoa, anta, anti, aona, aria, arna, arni, arno, arvo, atar, inia, init, inro, inta, inti, into, intr, invt, iota, iran, iron, itai, ivin, naio, naoi, nato, natr, navi, nito, noir, nori, nota, nova, oint, oran, orna, raia, rain, rait, rana, rant, rata, rato, riot, rita, riva, rivo, roan, roin, roit, ront, rota, roti, taar, tain, tana, tara, tari, tarn, taro, tava, tiao, tiar, tori, torn, trav, trin, trio, trna, tron, vain, vair, vant, vara, vari, vina, vino, vint, vita, voar, vota

3 Letter Words for Variation

aia, ain, air, ait, ana, ant, aor, ara, arn, art, ava, avn, avo, iaa, iao, int, inv, ion, ira, ita, iva, naa, nar, nat, nav, nit, noa, nor, not, nov, oar, oat, oii, ona, oni, ont, ora, ort, ova, rai, ran, rat, ria, rin, rio, rit, riv, rna, roi, ron, rot, rti, taa, tai, tan, tao, tar, tav, tin, toa, toi, ton, tor, tov, tra, tri, van, var, vat, via, vii, vin, von, vor

Definitions for Variation

[1] the act, process, or accident of varying in condition, character, or degree: Prices are subject to variation.
[2] an instance of this: There is a variation in the quality of fabrics in this shipment.
[3] amount, rate, extent, or degree of change: a temperature variation of 40° in a particular climate.
[4] a different form of something; variant.
[5] Music . the transformation of a melody or theme with changes or elaborations in harmony, rhythm, and melody. a varied form of a melody or theme, especially one of a series of such forms developing the capacities of the subject.
[6] Ballet . a solo dance, especially one forming a section of a pas de deux.
[7] Astronomy . any deviation from the mean orbit of a heavenly body, especially of a planetary or satellite orbit.
[8] Also called magnetic declination, magnetic variation. Navigation . the angle between the geographic and the magnetic meridian at a given point, expressed in plus degrees east or minus degrees west of true north. Compare deviation(def 4) .
[9] Biology . a difference or deviation in structure or character from others of the same species or group.
[10] the act, process, condition, or result of changing or varying; diversity
[11] an instance of varying or the amount, rate, or degree of such change
[12] something that differs from a standard or convention
[13] music a repetition of a musical theme in which the rhythm, harmony, or melody is altered or embellished (as modifier ) variation form
[14] biology a marked deviation from the typical form or function a characteristic or an organism showing this deviation
[15] astronomy any change in or deviation from the mean motion or orbit of a planet, satellite, etc, esp a perturbation of the moon
[16] another word for magnetic declination
[17] ballet a solo dance
[18] linguistics any form of morphophonemic change, such as one involved in inflection, conjugation, or vowel mutation

Words related to Variation

deviation, abnormality, diversity, variety, fluctuation, innovation, divergence, alteration, discrepancy, disparity, mutation, shift, modification, change, swerve, digression, contradistinction, aberration, novelty, diversification

Words nearby Variation

variable-rate, variance, variant, variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease, variate, variation, varication, variceal, varicella, varicella encephalitis, varicella zoster virus

Origin of Variation

1350–1400; < Latin variātiōn- (stem of variātiō ), equivalent to variāt(us ) (see variate) + -iōn- -ion; replacing Middle English variacioun < Anglo-French < Latin, as above

Other words from Variation

var·i·a·tion·al , var·i·a·tive [vair -ee-ey-tiv] /ˈvɛər iˌeɪ tɪv/ , adjective
var·i·a·tion·al·ly , var·i·a·tive·ly , adverb
in·ter·va·ri·a·tion , noun
non·var·i·a·tion , noun
o·ver·var·i·a·tion , noun
pre·var·i·a·tion , noun
self-var·i·a·tion , noun

Synonyms for Variation

abnormality, alteration, change, deviation, discrepancy, disparity, divergence, diversity, fluctuation, innovation, modification, mutation, shift, variety, aberration, adaptation, bend, break, contradistinction, contrast, curve, deflection, departure, digression, displacement, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, diversification, exception, inequality, novelty, swerve, turn, departure from the norm, unconformity