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Showing words for VAULTED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Vaulted
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5 Letter Words for Vaulted
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3 Letter Words for Vaulted
Definitions for Vaulted
[1] constructed or covered with a vault, as a building or chamber.
[2] provided with a vault.
[3] resembling a vault: the vaulted sky.
[4] an arched structure, usually made of stones, concrete, or bricks, forming a ceiling or roof over a hall, room, sewer, or other wholly or partially enclosed construction.
[5] an arched structure resembling a vault.
[6] a space, chamber, or passage enclosed by a vault or vaultlike structure, especially one located underground.
[7] an underground chamber, as a cellar or a division of a cellar.
[8] a room or compartment, often built of or lined with steel, reserved for the storage and safekeeping of valuables, especially such a place in a bank.
[9] a strong metal cabinet, usually fireproof and burglarproof, for the storage and safekeeping of valuables, important papers, etc.
[10] a burial chamber.
[11] Anatomy . an arched roof of a cavity.
[12] something likened to an arched roof: the vault of heaven.
[13] to construct or cover with a vault.
[14] to make in the form of a vault; arch.
[15] to extend or stretch over in the manner of an arch; overarch: An arbor vaulted the path.
[16] to store in a vault: The paintings will be vaulted when the museum is closed.
[17] to curve or bend in the form of a vault.
[18] to leap or spring, as to or from a position or over something: He vaulted over the tennis net.
[19] to leap with the hands supported by something, as by a horizontal pole.
[20] Gymnastics . to leap over a vaulting horse or pommel horse, using the hands for pushing off.
[21] to arrive at or achieve something as if by a spring or leap: to vault into prominence.
[22] to leap over: to vault a fence.
[23] to cause to leap over or surpass others: Advertising has vaulted the new perfume into first place.
[24] the act of vaulting.
[25] a leap of a horse; curvet.
[26] Gymnastics . a running jump over a vaulting horse or pommel horse, usually finishing with an acrobatic dismount.
[27] an arched structure that forms a roof or ceiling
[28] a room, esp a cellar, having an arched roof down to floor level
[29] a burial chamber, esp when underground
[30] a strongroom for the safe-deposit and storage of valuables
[31] an underground room or part of such a room, used for the storage of wine, food, etc
[32] anatomy any arched or domed bodily cavity or space the cranial vault
[33] something suggestive of an arched structure, as the sky
[34] (tr) to furnish with or as if with an arched roof
[35] (tr) to construct in the shape of a vault
[36] (intr) to curve, arch, or bend in the shape of a vault
[37] to spring over (an object), esp with the aid of a long pole or with the hands resting on the object
[38] (intr) to do, achieve, or attain something as if by a leap he vaulted to fame on the strength of his discovery
[39] dressage to perform or cause to perform a curvet
[40] the act of vaulting
[41] dressage a low leap; curvet
Words related to Vaulted
Words nearby Vaulted
vaughan, vaughan williams, vaughn, vault, vault light, vaulted, vaulting, vaulting horse, vaulty, vaunt, vaunt-courier
Origin of Vaulted
21530–40; < French volte a turn and volter to turn, respectively < Italian volta (noun) and voltare (v.); see volt2
Other words from Vaulted
un·der·vault·ed , adjective
un·vault·ed , adjective
vault·like , adjective
vault·er , noun
Word origin for Vaulted
C16: from Old French voulter to turn, from Italian voltare to turn, from Vulgar Latin volvitāre (unattested) to turn, leap; see vault 1