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Showing words for VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY using the English dictionary

18 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography


13 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

arteriography, cardiographer, cardiotherapy, caricographer, cervicography, hypercoracoid, prevaricatory, proctorrhagia, pyrrhocoridae, reciprocatory

12 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

aortographic, arteriograph, cardiography, caricography, cartographer, cartographic, chiropractor, overcapacity, prevaricator, radiographer, radiotherapy, reciprocator, retrocardiac, thyrocardiac, vectographic

11 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

accorporate, acrotrophic, advocatrice, aerographic, aortography, architraved, cacographer, cacotrophia, cardiograph, cardiopathy, cartography, ceratohyoid, cerographic, copyrighted, copyrighter, corporative, cryptorchid, dacryorrhea, diageotropy, dictyophera, eradicatory, ergatocracy, hydratropic, hydrotropic, hyperoartia, hyperovaria, hypertorrid, hypertragic, iodotherapy, oreographic, overcharity, parathyroid, patriarched, preadvocacy, precoracoid, predicatory, prethoracic, procreatory, proctorrhea, prothoracic, pyritohedra, radiography, radiotracer, recopyright, recordatory, rotographed, videography

10 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

achroacyte, acrography, advocatory, aerography, aerotropic, apodyteria, aporrhaoid, apothecary, archetypic, architrave, archpirate, argyrodite, arrogative, arthrocace, arthrodiae, arthrodire, arthropoda, arthropody, artophoria, avogadrite, cacography, cacotrophy, cardiopath, cartograph, cataphoric, cerography, charactery, cheiropody, chiroptera, cocreditor, codirector, copyeditor, coradicate, corporeity, corradiate, correctory, corregidor, corrodiary, cortaderia, creophagia, crotophaga, cryophoric, cryptodire, cyrtograph, cytophagic, dacyorrhea, decoratory, derogatory, dictagraph, dictograph, divagatory, dogcatcher, ectocardia, eradicator, ergotropic, erythropia, evaporator, graphicacy, gyrocopter, gyrophoric, hagiocracy, hierocracy, horopteric, hydroaeric, hypoactive, hypocrater, hyracoidea, ideography, oariopathy, octahedric, oreography, orographic, orotherapy, orthograde, orthopedia, orthopedic, otorrhagia, paradoctor, patriarchy, peroratory, petrohyoid, phagocyter, phagocytic, photogyric, precardiac, prechoroid, prediatory, predicator, predictory, prethyroid, proarchery, procercoid, procharity, procreator, proctorage, prodivorce, prorogated, protragedy, proveditor, pterocarya, pyrethroid, pyroacetic, pythagoric, radiograph, radiopager, radiophare, reparatory, retrochoir, revocatory, rheotropic, rhyodacite, riotocracy, toparchiae, trichopore, trierarchy, vagotropic, variegator, vectograph, vitrophyre

9 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

accoraged, achordate, acritarch, acropathy, acropodia, acroteria, acroteric, adhocracy, adiaphory, adipocyte, adoratory, advocator, aerograph, aeropathy, aerophagy, aeroyacht, agriotype, apartheid, aphrodite, apothecia, apricated, archiater, archicarp, archicyte, architype, arcograph, arrectary, arrogated, arrogator, arthrodia, arthrodic, arthropod, atriopore, atrophied, atropidae, avocatory, cachoeira, cacopathy, cacotopia, cadaveric, capacitor, caproidae, carrotage, carrotier, carryover, cartridge, carvoeira, carvoepra, catarrhed, categoric, cecograph, cerograph, character, charioted, chariotry, chayaroot, cheiragra, cheiropod, chicayote, chiropody, chiropter, chirotype, choreatic, choroidea, cirrhopod, cochaired, cocreator, coheritor, copyright, corodiary, corporacy, corporate, corrector, corrivate, corrodier, coryphaei, covariate, creophagy, criophore, crocethia, crotaphic, cryochore, cryptadia, cryptarch, cypraeoid, dacoitage, decorator, depravity, derogator, deviatory, directory, eidograph, erythroid, evocatory, geocarpic, geocratic, geophytic, geotropic, gradative, gradatory, graperoot, graphiter, graveyard, gravidate, hairdryer, hardcover, heptagrid, hierocrat, horoptery, hoverport, hydroptic, hyperacid, hyperarid, hypocrite, hypoergic, ideograph, irrorated, octachord, octahedra, octapodic, octohedra, operatory, orocratic, orography, orthoepic, orthopedy, otography, overcarry, overcatch, overcoach, overdight, overhardy, overparty, overpitch, overright, overtarry, oviraptor, pachyotia, paedarchy, paregoric, parietary, parorchid, partridge, partygoer, patchcord, patriarch, perichord, peritroch, perorator, pervicacy, petrograd, phagocyte, phratriac, phytocide, podotheca, poechoric, porteacid, portgrave, porticoed, portrayed, portrayer, pothecary, practiced, practicer, praetoria, preaccord, preaortic, precatory, precocity, precordia, predacity, predatory, predictor, proactive, proarctic, procacity, procaryot, procerity, proctodea, proctored, prodatary, proditory, progravid, prorector, prorogate, protragie, providore, pterygoid, pyorrheic, radiatory, revictory, rhodocyte, ricercata, riverhood, rotograph, theocracy, theropoda, thyroidea, tidecoach, tigerhood, toparchia, tracheary, tragoedia, trierarch, varicated, varityped, vitagraph, votograph

8 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

acardite, acaryote, acceptor, accipter, accorage, accorder, accredit, achroite, acroatic, acrocarp, acropora, acropore, adaptive, adoptive, adrogate, adroiter, advocacy, advocate, aeipathy, aerodart, aerophor, agapetid, agaphite, agraphic, agrotype, aircoach, airgraph, apachite, aporetic, aporrhea, apractic, apricate, aproctia, apteroid, apyretic, arachide, araeotic, archcity, archegay, archived, archiver, archpoet, areopagy, argyreia, argyrite, arrector, arrivage, arrogate, arteriac, athyroid, atrophia, atrophic, atrypoid, averrhoa, aviatory, avigator, avogadro, cachepot, cacotype, capacity, capeador, capitare, capoeira, caproate, captived, caracore, caracter, cardooer, cargador, caripeta, carriage, carritch, carroter, carrycot, carthage, cartroad, caryatic, caryatid, caryocar, catchier, category, catercap, cathedra, cathodic, caveator, cavitary, cavorted, cavorter, cecropia, cephadia, ceratoid, cercaria, cercopid, cercopod, cetraria, cetraric, chaparro, chapiter, characid, charrier, chayroot, chetopod, chipyard, chiragra, chirayta, chiropod, chitarra, chivarra, chivarro, choragic, chordata, chordate, choregic, choreoid, cirrated, coachdog, coactive, coadvice, coarcted, codirect, codriver, coeditor, cooptive, coproite, copyedit, copyread, coracoid, coraveca, corector, corridor, corroder, corvidae, corydora, covaried, covotary, crachoir, cracidae, creditor, cretoria, crociary, crociate, crocoite, crophead, crotched, cyathoid, cycadite, cypraeid, cypriote, cyrtopia, cytocide, daycoach, decarchy, decatoic, degratia, deviator, devotary, diagraph, diaphote, diarrhea, director, divagate, divertor, divorcer, drageoir, dragrope, drivecap, droopier, dyarchic, ecotopic, ecotypic, ecphoria, ectropic, editchar, eophytic, eoraptor, ergatoid, erythric, evocator, garroted, garroter, geocarpy, geotropy, gerardia, geriatry, goatherd, goodrich, goodyear, goodyera, graithed, graphite, gravidae, graycoat, grayhair, grayhead, graypate, greycoat, groovier, gryphite, hagrider, hagtaper, haircare, hardcopy, hardcore, haviored, heatdrop, hepatica, hepatoid, heptadic, hircarra, horatiye, horatory, horopter, horrider, hortyard, hovercar, hydrator, hydropac, hydropic, hydropot, hydrotic, hypoacid, hypogeic, hyracoid, irrogate, irrorate, ochidore, octapody, octarchy, odograph, oophytic, operatic, operator, oratoric, orograph, orthoepy, otorrhea, overarch, overcard, overcoat, overcrop, overdrip, overgird, overgoad, overhair, overhard, overpaid, overpart, overpray, overrich, overriot, overtrip, overtrod, pacative, pagehood, pagodite, parachor, paratory, parergic, parotoid, parridge, parritch, parroted, parroter, parrotia, parrotry, partiary, patchery, patchier, patridge, paygrade, pediatry, perigord, petchary, petrarca, petrarch, phocidae, phoretic, phratria, phratric, phreatic, picrated, piechart, piratery, pitchery, poachard, poachier, pochayed, podagric, podiatry, poivrade, porcated, porodite, porridge, porridgy, portaged, portiare, potagery, potecary, poticary, practice, practico, practive, precaria, prechart, predator, preradio, pretardy, pretoria, prighood, prioracy, priorate, privater, proactor, procavia, proditor, progeria, prograde, prorated, prorater, protheca, protrade, provedor, provicar, provider, providor, pterygia, pyorrhea, pyrectic, pyroacid, racecard, racepath, radiator, radicate, rapacity, rathripe, ravigote, reaccord, recaptor, redactor, regrator, reproach, retiracy, revirado, rheocord, rheocrat, rhetoric, ricercar, ricochet, rogative, rogatory, tapadero, tapidero, teardrop, theodicy, theorica, therapia, theriaca, theropod, thoracic, thridace, thyreoid, thyroria, toparchy, torchare, torchier, toreador, torrider, tovarich, tracheid, trapdoor, trapiche, triarchy, trichode, trichord, trigraph, trihedra, trochaic, trochoid, troparia, trophaea, trophied, vagarity, vaporary, vaporate, varactor, vardapet, variated, variator, varitype, veracity, veratria, veratric, viagraph, vicarage, vicarate, virgated, virgater, voracity

7 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

acaroid, acatery, accited, accoied, accoyed, acetary, achiote, acratic, acrider, acroter, acrotic, acyetic, adapter, adipate, adopter, adtevac, advoyer, aerator, aerocar, agapeic, agapeti, agaroid, agatoid, agoroth, agpaite, agravic, agyrate, airdate, airdrop, airhead, airport, airthed, apathic, apehood, aphacic, aphetic, aphoria, aphotic, aphrite, aphyric, apiator, apochae, apocyte, apogaic, apogeic, apoidea, aporiae, apothec, apricot, aprotic, apteria, arachic, aratory, arcadic, archaic, archery, archgod, archive, arcidae, arctoid, ardrigh, argiope, argotic, argyria, argyric, aroeira, arrayed, arrayer, arriage, arridge, arriero, arrived, arriver, arteria, athrive, athyria, athyrid, atrocha, atrophy, atropia, atropic, avarice, aviador, aviated, aviator, avigate, avocado, avocate, avodire, avoider, cacoepy, cactoid, cadaver, cadetcy, cadgier, caphite, capicha, capoche, capoted, caprate, caprice, caproic, captive, caraipe, caratch, carceag, cardiac, cardita, cargoed, carioca, caroach, caroche, carotic, carotid, carport, carract, carrect, carreta, carried, carrier, carroch, carroty, carryed, cartage, cartier, carvage, carvery, caryota, catarrh, catched, catcher, catchie, caterva, cathead, cathode, cathood, cavated, cerotic, certhia, cervoid, chacate, chaired, chairer, chaitra, chaitya, chaotic, chapati, chapote, chapter, charact, charade, charcia, charged, charger, charier, chariot, charity, charpai, charpie, charpit, charpoy, charred, chartae, charted, charter, charvet, chayote, cheatry, cheroot, cheviot, chicago, chicory, chicote, chirata, chirped, chirper, chirred, chirted, chivage, chocard, choicer, choired, chopdar, choragi, choragy, chordae, choregi, choregy, choreic, chorogi, choroid, chytrid, circaea, cirrate, cithara, coached, coacher, coacted, coactor, coadapt, coadore, coapted, cocarde, cochair, cochero, cocopah, codrive, codrove, cogroad, cohitre, coopery, coopted, cooried, coothay, copaiva, copaiye, coparty, coperta, copycat, coragio, corchat, cordage, cordate, cordite, cordova, corgard, corpora, corpore, corrade, correct, corrida, corrido, corrige, corrive, corrode, corrody, cortage, cortaro, corvoid, corypha, coryphe, coticed, craichy, crapier, creachy, creaght, creatic, creator, croatia, crocard, crochet, crotchy, crypted, cryptic, cyathea, cyathia, cypraea, cypriot, cythera, dacoity, dairyer, dapicho, darapti, darogah, darogha, dartoic, daycare, decarch, decator, decrypt, deipara, deparia, devchar, dhootie, diacoca, diacope, diapery, diarchy, dictery, dietary, dighter, digraph, diopter, dioptra, dioptry, dipcoat, diptera, diptyca, diptych, ditcher, dithery, divorca, divorce, docetic, dochter, dogcart, dorothy, dortier, dotarie, dovecot, drapery, drapier, dravite, drayage, drivage, drogher, droichy, drooper, dropvie, eardrop, ecphory, ecphova, ectopia, ectopic, ectropy, edacity, edaphic, egotrip, eightvo, epacrid, eparchy, ephoric, ergodic, ergotic, erotica, erratic, eryopid, evictor, evirato, garoter, garrote, gateado, gavidae, gayatri, geratic, gertcha, girthed, goatier, godetia, goitcho, goitred, goodhap, goodier, goopier, goracco, gotched, gradate, grapery, graphed, graphic, grapier, grather, gravedo, gravery, gravida, gravity, grocery, grodier, grooper, grooved, groover, gyrated, gyrator, gyrocar, hagadic, hagride, hagrode, hagrope, haircap, haptera, hardier, hardtop, haricot, harpago, harpier, harrage, harried, harrier, harriet, harvard, hatiora, havarti, haycart, hayride, headcap, headrig, heavity, hepatic, heptoic, heritor, hetaira, hetairy, hoarder, hoarier, hogcote, hogtied, hogyard, hoodcap, hoodier, hootier, hoptoad, hopyard, hordary, hydatic, hydrate, hydriae, hypogea, hyporit, hyracid, iceroot, icetray, icotype, igarape, ochroid, octadic, octarch, octavic, octoped, ocypode, odorate, oograph, oophyte, ootheca, opacate, opacite, opacity, operary, opiated, oporice, oratory, orchard, orectic, orphrey, orrhoid, orvieto, overact, overapt, overcap, overcoy, overcry, overdog, overdry, overgod, overgot, overhip, overhit, overhot, overpay, overpot, overrid, overtip, overtop, ovipara, ovocyte, pagador, parader, parador, parched, parcher, pareira, parerga, parergy, paretic, paridae, paritor, parodic, parodoi, parotic, parotid, parried, parrier, parroty, partage, parthia, partied, partier, partyer, parvati, patache, patched, patcher, pateria, patriae, patrice, patrico, peacoat, peatary, peccary, peccavi, pectora, pegador, peracid, percoct, percoid, peridot, perotic, petrary, phacoid, phaedra, phageda, phocoid, phorate, photoed, phrator, phratry, phrygia, phycite, phytoid, picacho, picador, picardy, piccage, piccata, picotah, picoted, picrate, pierrot, pighead, pigherd, pighted, pigroot, pigyard, pirated, piratry, pitarah, pitched, pitcher, pithead, pivoted, pivoter, poached, poacher, pochade, pochard, pochoir, pochote, podagra, podagry, podetia, pooched, poother, poovery, poovier, porcate, porched, porotic, porrect, porrigo, portage, portico, portier, portray, potager, potched, potcher, pothead, pothery, potiche, potrero, poverty, practic, praetor, pravity, preachy, precary, precava, predata, predict, prerich, preriot, prevoid, privacy, privado, privata, private, procity, proctor, prodigy, proetid, prootic, prorata, prorate, protead, proteic, proteid, protide, protore, provect, provera, provide, pteroid, pyretic, pyrotic, pyrrhic, pythiad, racecar, radiary, radiate, radyera, raghead, rahdari, raphide, rapider, rariety, rariora, ratched, ratcher, ravaged, ravager, reactor, readapt, readopt, rearray, reavoid, recarry, recatch, rechart, recoach, rectory, redcoat, redhoop, redroop, redroot, regidor, regracy, regraph, repatch, repitch, retiary, revigor, rhaetic, rhagite, rhodite, rhodora, rhyptic, ricecar, richard, richted, richter, righted, righter, ripcord, roached, roadhog, roadite, roarier, roopier, rootage, rootcap, rootery, rootier, rortier, rotchie, tairger, tapioca, tardier, tardive, tarhood, taricha, tarocco, tarried, tarrier, taryard, thecoid, theoria, theoric, therapy, theriac, theroid, thraver, thready, thrived, thriver, thyroid, tiaraed, tiphead, toadery, toadier, toheroa, toparch, topiary, torched, torcher, torgoch, torpedo, torreya, tracery, trachea, tragedy, travado, triaged, triarch, tripara, tripery, tripody, trochar, troched, trochid, trooped, trooper, tropaia, tropary, tropeic, trophic, typhoid, vacated, vaccary, vagrate, vapider, vapored, vaporer, variate, variety, verdict, vertigo, viceroy, victory, virgate, vitharr, vitrage, vocoder, voyaged, voyager, vrother, yachted, yachter, yachtie, yardage, yogoite

6 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

aarrgh, acarid, acater, accept, accite, accord, acedia, aceric, acerra, acetic, achage, achape, achate, acheat, acheta, achier, achira, achter, acider, acopic, acorea, acoria, acracy, acrita, acrite, acrity, active, actory, adagio, adhort, adiate, adighe, adight, aditya, adorer, adroit, adroop, advect, advert, advice, agadic, agaric, agorae, agorot, agrace, agreat, agriot, agrito, agrope, agrote, agyria, aigret, airgap, airted, aortic, apache, apathy, aperch, apheta, aphodi, apiary, apicad, apidae, apocha, apodia, aporia, arache, araire, arcade, arcady, arcate, arcato, archai, arched, archei, archer, archie, archit, arctic, ardito, areach, aready, areito, argive, arider, aridge, aright, arrace, arrach, arrage, arrear, arrect, arride, arriva, arrive, arrode, arrope, arroya, arroyo, artery, arthra, artiad, artier, atavic, atocha, atocia, atopic, atroce, atropa, atypic, averah, averia, aviary, aviate, avider, avidya, avocat, avocet, avoyer, cached, cachet, cachot, cadger, cageot, cagier, cahier, cahita, cahoot, caphar, capita, capite, capote, capric, caprid, captor, caraco, caract, carapo, carate, carcer, carder, cardia, cardie, cardio, carhop, carica, caried, carity, caroch, carped, carper, carpet, carpid, carrat, carrot, carted, carter, cartop, carved, carver, catchy, catery, cathar, cathay, cathop, cathro, cativo, cavate, cavdia, caveat, caviar, cavier, cavity, caviya, cavort, cecity, cedary, cedrat, cephid, ceptor, cerago, cerata, ceriph, ceroid, cervid, chaced, chacra, chacte, chadar, chadic, chador, chadri, chaeta, chaori, chaped, charac, charco, chared, charer, charet, charge, charie, charro, charry, charta, chaver, cheapo, cheapy, chedar, cherry, cherty, chiave, chicer, chicot, chider, chidra, chigoe, chigre, chirpy, chirre, chitra, chived, chiver, chivey, choate, choaty, choice, choicy, choora, chorda, chorea, chored, chorei, chorgi, choria, choric, chorio, chypre, chytra, cicada, cicero, cichar, cidery, cipaye, cipher, circar, cither, civory, coachy, coaged, coaita, coarct, coated, coater, coatie, cocher, cocopa, codeia, codger, coedit, cogida, cogito, cohead, coheir, cohert, cohort, cooped, cooper, coorie, cootch, cooter, cootie, copart, copeia, copied, copier, copita, coprah, copter, coptic, corach, corage, corcir, corder, cordia, coreid, corita, corody, correo, corrie, corved, corver, corvet, corvid, coryph, cotery, cotice, cotype, covado, covary, covert, covido, covite, coydog, coyote, crache, cradge, craped, cratch, crated, crater, cravat, craved, craver, crayer, creach, creagh, credit, cretic, critch, croape, croche, crooch, croove, crotch, crypta, crypto, cyathi, cyetic, cyprid, cytode, cytoid, dacite, dacoit, dacrya, daitya, dapico, dargah, darger, daroga, darter, dartre, datary, datcha, dative, davach, davoch, dayhop, daypro, dearth, deathy, decart, decoat, decoct, decoic, dehair, dehort, depair, depart, depict, deport, dertra, detach, detray, devata, devoir, devota, devoto, dhoora, dhooti, dhotie, diaper, diarch, dioecy, dipter, dipyre, direct, dither, divata, divert, divort, divoto, doater, docity, doctor, dogate, dogtie, dohter, doigte, doover, dopier, dorper, dorter, dotage, dother, dotier, dovier, dragae, draper, drapet, drapey, dravya, dreary, dreich, dreigh, dretch, driech, driegh, driver, droger, droich, droopt, droopy, drover, dryrot, dvaita, earcap, eartag, earthy, echard, echoic, ecorch, ectopy, editor, egipto, egoity, egriot, eighty, eparch, ephori, ephyra, epirot, epitra, epocha, epodic, eriach, ericad, erotic, errata, ethiop, ethrog, etypic, gaatch, gadite, gaiety, gaited, gaiter, gardai, gareth, garrat, garred, garret, garroo, garrot, garrya, garter, garvey, garvie, gather, gathic, gaycat, gaydar, gedact, geodic, geotic, gerara, geraty, gervao, gharri, gharry, gherao, giarra, giarre, gidyea, girder, giroed, girted, giveth, gocart, godiva, goetia, goetic, goiter, gooder, gooier, gopher, gorier, gorped, gotcha, gotchy, gothic, graced, gracer, grader, graith, graped, grapey, graphy, gratae, grated, grater, gratia, gravat, graved, graver, gravic, gravid, grayed, grayer, greith, gricer, griped, griper, gripey, griphe, grivet, grocer, grooty, groove, groovy, groped, groper, groved, grover, grovet, gyrate, hagrid, hairdo, haired, haiver, haptic, haptor, harace, harare, harder, hardie, harico, harier, harped, harper, harpia, harrid, harvey, hatpeg, hatred, havage, havier, havior, haycap, hayrig, hearty, hectar, hectic, hector, hegari, hegira, hepcat, heptad, herdic, heriot, heroic, heroid, heyrat, hicaco, hidage, hirage, hoagie, hoared, hogtie, hoodie, hooped, hooper, hooray, hootay, hooted, hooter, hooved, hoover, hoovey, hopdog, horace, horary, horray, horrid, horror, hotrod, hydage, hydria, hydric, hydroa, hygeia, hygric, hypate, hypoed, hypoid, hyrate, icecap, ideata, igorot, iodate, ipecac, irater, irrate, itched, oarage, oarier, oatear, oathay, oathed, ochava, ochavo, ochery, ochrea, ocracy, octary, octavd, octave, octavo, octdra, octoad, octode, octoic, octoid, octroi, octroy, ogaire, ogived, oitava, oocyte, ooecia, oorier, ootype, opcode, ophite, opiate, optive, orache, oraria, orated, orator, orchat, orchic, orchid, oretic, orgeat, orgiac, orgyia, oroide, orphic, orrery, orrice, orthic, orthid, ortiga, ortive, otaria, ovaria, ovated, ovator, overdo, overgo, oviger, pacate, paccha, pacier, pacota, padige, padova, pagoda, paiche, paired, pairer, parade, parado, parage, parate, parcae, parchy, pardah, pardao, pardie, parecy, parged, parget, pariah, parica, pariet, parity, paroch, parode, parodi, parody, parrah, parred, parrot, parted, parter, partie, parveh, pataco, patchy, patera, patgia, pathed, pathic, patria, pavade, pavage, pavier, pavior, peachy, peacod, pearch, pechay, pectic, pedary, peract, percha, percid, perdit, period, petara, petard, petary, petrog, phaeic, phatic, phocae, phocid, phooey, phoria, phorid, photic, photog, phycic, phytic, piache, piaget, picara, picard, picaro, picary, pichey, picory, picote, piedra, pioted, piracy, pirate, piraty, piraya, piroot, pitara, pitaya, pitchy, pithed, poachy, pochay, podger, podite, podtia, poetic, poetry, pogoed, pooder, poogye, poohed, poorer, poorga, pooted, pooter, porged, porger, porgie, porier, porite, porret, ported, porter, portia, portio, potage, potche, potdar, pother, prated, prater, pratey, pratie, prayed, prayer, preach, preday, predry, pretor, pretry, prevot, priced, pricer, pricey, priory, pritch, privet, proach, proart, proode, protea, protei, protid, proved, prover, pteria, pteric, ptooey, pyrite, pyroid, pyrrha, pythia, racche, rachet, racier, radger, radiac, radiov, ragery, ragtop, rahdar, raider, raited, raiyat, raphia, rapide, rapido, rapier, raport, rapter, raptor, rarety, rarity, ratero, rathed, rather, ravage, ravery, rayage, reachy, recado, recart, rechar, rechip, recoat, recoct, recopy, record, recrop, rector, redact, redart, redcap, redipt, redrag, redtop, regard, regird, regrip, rehair, rehood, rehoop, repaid, repair, repart, report, repray, reroot, retard, retira, retrad, retrip, retrod, revary, revoir, rhetor, rhodic, rhodie, rhotic, richea, riched, richer, ridger, righto, righty, rioted, rioter, riotry, ritard, rivage, rivery, riyadh, roadeo, roader, roadie, roared, roarer, roarie, roated, rocher, rochet, rocroi, rooped, roopit, rooted, rooter, rooved, ropery, ropier, rorier, rorted, rorter, rotary, rotche, rother, taihoa, tairge, taiver, taoiya, tapery, tarage, taraph, targed, targer, tarred, tarrer, tarrie, tarvia, teachy, teapoy, tepary, tephra, teraph, tercia, tercio, terrar, terror, thecia, theody, theory, therap, thooid, thoria, thoric, thorpe, thrace, thraep, thrave, thread, threip, thrice, thrive, throed, thrope, thyiad, ticced, tiedog, tierod, tigery, tirade, tirage, tirred, toader, tocher, toecap, toerag, togaed, toorie, torchy, torero, toroid, torpid, torpor, torrid, torvid, traced, tracer, trader, tragia, tragic, traped, travoy, trepid, triace, triage, triary, tricae, tricar, triced, tricep, trichy, tridra, trigae, triode, tripey, tripod, troade, trocar, trocha, troche, trochi, troped, troper, trophi, trophy, tropia, tropic, trover, typhia, typhic, typica, typier, tyroid, vacate, vagary, vaidya, vapory, varech, variac, varied, varier, varroa, veadar, vector, verdit, verdoy, verity, verray, vetchy, viator, vicara, vicary, vicety, victor, vigoro, vihara, vipera, vipery, virago, virger, vithar, vocate, vocoid, vogier, voiced, voicer, voider, vooped, vorage, vorago, vorred, votary, voyage, vrocht, yacare, yaoort, yarder, yardie, yareta, yarpha, yearth, yetapa, yirred, ypight

5 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

aahed, aargh, acari, acate, accoy, accra, acedy, aceta, achar, ached, acher, achoo, achor, acidy, acier, acred, acrid, acted, actor, adage, adagy, adapt, adati, adaty, adept, adige, adopt, adore, adpao, adret, adrip, adrop, adyta, aecia, aegir, aeric, aevia, agape, agate, agaty, agave, agita, agoho, agood, agora, agrah, agria, agric, ahead, aheap, aider, aiery, aiger, aired, airer, airth, aitch, aiver, aorta, apace, apage, apaid, apair, apart, apayd, apert, apery, aphid, apode, aport, apted, apter, arace, arach, arado, arage, arati, arcae, arced, archd, arche, archt, archy, ardea, arder, ardor, ardri, aread, arear, areca, arepa, argot, arhar, arhat, ariot, arite, arith, aroar, aroid, aroph, arrah, array, arret, arrgt, arrha, arrie, artar, arter, artha, artic, atavi, athar, atopy, atria, atrip, avahi, avera, avert, avoid, avoir, aygre, ayrie, cacao, cacei, cache, cachi, cacti, cader, cadet, cadge, cadgy, cadie, cadra, cadre, caged, cager, cagey, cagit, cagot, cahot, caird, cairo, caped, caper, capoc, capot, capra, capri, carap, carat, cardi, cardo, cardy, cared, carer, caret, carey, carga, cargo, carid, caroa, carot, carpe, carpi, carri, carry, carta, carte, carty, carve, carvy, carya, catch, cater, cathy, cavae, cavea, caved, caver, cavey, cavia, cavie, cedar, cedry, cerat, cerci, ceria, ceric, certy, cetic, chace, chaco, chaga, chair, chait, chape, chara, chard, chare, charr, chart, chary, chati, chave, chaya, cheap, cheat, chego, cheir, chert, chevy, chiao, chica, chico, chide, chiro, chirp, chirr, chirt, chive, chivy, choca, choco, chode, choga, choir, choop, chopa, chord, chore, chort, chota, choya, chria, cicad, cicer, cider, cigar, cipro, circa, circe, cited, citer, civet, coach, coact, coaid, coapt, coart, coate, coati, cocao, cocoa, codec, coder, cogie, cogit, cohoe, cohog, cooch, cooed, cooer, cooey, coopt, cooth, cooty, copay, coped, copei, coper, copia, copra, corah, cordy, cored, corer, corey, corge, corgi, coria, coroa, corta, corve, corvo, cotch, coted, cothe, cothy, coved, cover, covet, covey, covid, coyed, coyer, craie, craig, crape, crapy, crare, crate, crave, cravo, craye, crcao, crche, cread, crecy, creda, credo, crept, crepy, creta, cried, crier, criey, cripe, crith, croat, crood, crore, crypt, cyath, cycad, cypre, dacca, dacha, dacor, daira, dairt, dairy, daiva, darac, darat, darcy, darer, darga, daric, daroo, darre, darya, datch, dater, daver, davit, deair, deary, death, decap, decay, decor, decoy, decry, deity, deota, depit, depoh, depot, depth, derah, derat, deray, deric, derig, deriv, derog, derri, derry, derth, detar, devot, dhava, dheri, dhoti, dhoty, diact, diary, dicer, dicey, dicht, dicot, dicta, dicty, diego, diety, dight, diota, dirca, direr, dirge, dirgy, dirty, ditch, diter, diver, divet, divot, doaty, docht, doeth, dogie, dohyo, doigt, doper, dopey, doray, dorey, doria, doric, dorty, doter, dover, dovey, dovie, draco, drago, drape, drate, drave, drear, drice, drier, dript, drive, drogh, droit, droog, droop, dropt, drove, drovy, dryer, dryth, earth, ecart, echar, ecoid, ectad, edgar, edict, edith, egrid, egypt, eight, eoith, epact, ephod, ephoi, ephor, epoch, erato, ergot, erica, error, ethic, ethid, etrog, evict, eyght, eyrar, eyrir, gader, gaped, gaper, garad, garce, garda, garde, gardy, gareh, garoo, garre, garth, gatch, gated, gater, gator, gavia, gavot, gayer, geira, geoid, geoty, gerah, gerip, getah, getid, gidar, giher, girth, gived, giver, givey, goary, goaty, goave, godet, goety, goier, goody, gooey, goopy, gorce, gored, gorer, goric, gorra, gorry, gotch, goter, gotha, gotra, grace, gracy, grade, graip, grape, graph, grapy, grata, grate, grave, gravy, great, greco, greit, greta, grice, gride, griot, gripe, griph, gript, gripy, grith, groat, grody, groop, groot, grope, grote, grove, grovy, gryce, gryde, grype, gryph, grypt, gyred, gyric, gyved, hadit, hagar, hagia, haida, haire, hairy, haori, hardy, hared, harpy, harre, harry, hated, hater, haver, havoc, hayed, hayer, hayti, heady, heapy, heard, heart, heavy, hecco, hedgy, hepar, herod, herry, hiate, hider, hiera, higra, hiper, hired, hirer, hived, hiver, hoaed, hoard, hoary, hocco, hoder, hodge, hoody, hooey, hoord, hooty, hoove, hooye, hoped, hoper, horde, horry, hotei, hovea, hoved, hover, hoyed, hydra, hydro, hyoid, hyped, hyper, icaco, iched, ichor, idaho, ideta, idgah, igapo, irade, irate, irred, irreg, itchy, ither, ivory, ivray, oared, oaric, oater, ocher, ochro, ochry, ocote, ocrea, octad, octic, ocyte, ogive, ohare, oohed, ooped, oorie, ootid, opera, ophic, ophir, opted, opter, optic, orach, oracy, orage, orary, orate, order, oread, orgia, orgic, oriya, orpit, ortho, orvet, otary, other, ovary, ovate, overt, ovoid, pacay, paced, pacer, pacey, pacha, pacta, padge, padre, padri, paged, pager, pagod, pagri, paire, pairt, parae, parah, parao, parch, parde, pardi, pardo, pardy, pared, pareo, parer, parev, parge, pargo, parry, parte, parti, parto, party, parve, parvo, patao, patch, pated, pathy, patia, patio, paved, paver, pavia, pavid, payed, payer, payor, peach, peart, peaty, peavy, pecht, pedro, perai, perca, perch, perdy, perit, perry, perth, perty, petar, petri, petro, phaet, phage, phare, pharo, phoca, photo, piccy, picea, picot, picra, picry, piert, pieta, piety, pight, pioye, pirog, pirot, pitch, pithy, pivot, poach, poche, podge, pogey, poire, pooch, pooed, poori, poort, pooty, poove, poovy, porch, pored, porer, poret, porge, porgo, porgy, poria, porry, porta, porte, porto, porty, potch, poted, poter, prado, praha, praia, prate, praty, praya, preta, price, prich, pride, pridy, pried, prier, prior, privy, prore, prote, proto, prove, provo, pyche, pyoid, pyric, raced, racer, rache, radar, radge, radio, ragde, raged, rager, rahed, raird, raita, raped, raper, raphe, rapic, rapid, rared, rarer, ratch, rated, rater, ratha, rathe, ratio, ratoo, raved, raver, rayah, rayat, rayed, reach, react, ready, reata, recap, recco, reccy, recip, recit, recpt, recti, recto, redia, redig, redip, redry, regar, regia, rehid, reich, reird, reorg, repad, repay, repic, repot, repro, repry, rerig, retag, retar, retch, retia, retip, retro, retry, revay, rheda, rheic, rhody, rhyta, riata, riced, ricer, ricey, riche, richt, rider, ridge, ridgy, right, rigor, riped, riper, rithe, rived, river, rivet, roach, roady, roary, roate, roche, rocta, rodeo, rodge, roger, roopy, rooti, rooty, roove, roped, roper, roric, rorid, rorie, rorty, rotch, roted, roter, rotge, rotor, roved, rover, rovet, royet, ryder, ryper, tacca, tache, tachi, tacho, tahar, taich, taiga, taipo, taira, taped, taper, tapia, tapir, tapoa, tarde, tardo, tardy, tarea, tared, targe, tarie, taroc, tarre, tarri, tarry, tarve, tavah, taver, tavoy, tayer, tayir, tayra, tchad, tchai, teach, teary, techy, tepid, tepor, tepoy, terai, terap, terga, terra, terry, thagi, thave, theca, theia, theic, their, theor, theyd, third, thore, thoro, thorp, thrae, thrap, thrid, thrip, throe, tiara, ticca, ticed, ticer, tichy, tiger, tired, tirer, tirve, tiver, toady, today, todea, toher, toped, toper, tophe, tophi, topia, topic, topog, topoi, torch, tored, toric, torve, tovar, toyed, toyer, trace, trade, trady, tragi, trapa, trape, trave, tread, triac, triad, trica, trice, tride, tried, trier, triga, trigo, trior, tripe, tripy, troad, troca, troch, troco, trode, troic, troop, trope, trove, tryer, trypa, tyche, tydie, typed, typer, typha, typic, vache, vacoa, vaire, vairy, vaped, vapid, vapor, vardy, varec, varia, vario, vatic, vedic, vedro, veray, verdi, vergi, verpa, verry, verty, vetch, viage, vicar, viced, vichy, vidar, video, vidry, vidya, vigor, viper, vired, vireo, virga, virge, virgo, vitae, vitra, vitro, vitry, vocat, voder, vogie, voice, voted, voter, vraic, yacca, yacht, yager, yahoo, yahve, yaird, yarer, yarta, yarth, yarto, yatra, yeara, yeard, yecch, yerga, yerth, yerva, ygapo, yirth, yocco, yogic, yrapt, yrivd

4 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

aarp, acad, acca, acce, acct, aced, acer, ache, achy, acid, acop, acor, acpt, acre, acta, actg, acth, adar, adat, aday, adet, adit, ador, adry, advt, aero, agad, agar, agcy, aged, ager, aget, agha, agio, agit, ahed, ahey, ahoy, aide, aire, airt, airy, aith, aivr, apar, apay, aped, aper, apia, apio, apod, arad, arar, arca, arch, arco, area, ared, areg, aret, argh, argo, aria, arid, arri, arte, arty, arvo, atap, atar, ated, atip, atoc, atop, atry, avdp, aver, avid, avie, avoy, ayah, ayre, caca, cace, caci, cade, cadi, cady, cage, caic, caid, cair, capa, cape, caph, capi, capo, capt, card, care, carp, carr, cart, cate, cath, cava, cave, cavy, ccid, ceca, cedi, cepa, cera, cero, cert, ceti, chaa, chad, chai, chao, chap, char, chat, chay, cher, chge, chia, chic, chip, chit, chiv, choc, chop, choy, chry, ciao, cide, cipo, cira, circ, cire, cite, cito, city, cive, civy, coat, coca, coch, coco, coct, coda, code, codo, coed, coho, coir, coit, coop, coot, copa, cope, copr, copt, copy, cora, cord, core, corp, corr, cort, corv, cory, cote, coth, coto, cove, coyo, crag, crap, cray, cred, cric, crig, crip, crit, croc, croh, crop, croy, crpe, ctge, cyte, dace, daer, dago, dare, darg, dari, darr, dart, data, date, dato, dave, davy, dcor, dear, deco, deia, depa, depr, dept, dero, derv, deti, deva, devi, dhai, diag, dice, dich, dict, dicy, dier, diet, dioc, dipt, dire, dirt, dita, dite, diva, dive, doat, doer, doge, doha, doit, door, dopa, dope, dora, dore, dorp, dorr, dort, dory, dote, doth, doty, dove, drag, drap, drat, dray, drch, dreg, drey, drie, drip, droh, drop, dyce, dyer, each, eadi, eard, eath, ecad, ecch, ecco, echo, echt, ecod, ecto, edgy, edit, egad, eigh, eira, eiry, epha, epic, epit, erat, ergo, eria, eric, erth, etch, etic, evap, eyah, eyot, eyra, gade, gadi, gaea, gaet, gaia, gaid, gair, gait, gapa, gape, gapo, gapy, gara, gard, gare, gari, gart, gary, gata, gate, gath, gave, gear, geat, geic, geir, geit, geod, gery, geta, ghat, gied, gird, gire, giro, girr, girt, gite, gith, give, goad, goar, goat, gode, goer, good, goop, goor, gora, gore, gorp, gory, gote, goth, goto, gove, govt, gpad, gpcd, grad, grat, grav, gray, gret, grid, grip, grit, grot, gype, gyre, gyri, gyro, gyte, gyve, haar, hade, haec, hagi, hair, hait, hard, hare, haro, harp, harr, hart, hate, have, haya, haye, head, heap, hear, heat, heid, heir, hept, hera, herd, hero, herp, herr, hert, hery, hevi, hide, hidy, hied, hipe, hipt, hire, hiro, hive, hiya, hoar, hodr, hoed, hoer, hoey, hoga, hogo, hoit, hood, hoop, hoot, hope, hopi, hora, hore, hort, hory, hote, hoti, hove, hoya, hyde, hyed, hype, hypo, hypt, hyte, iaea, iago, iare, icao, iced, icer, icho, icod, idea, ideo, igad, iode, iodo, iota, ired, irpe, itch, iter, ivry, iyar, oary, oath, oaty, oche, ocht, octa, odah, odea, oder, odic, odor, oeci, ogre, ohed, ohia, ohio, ohoy, ooid, oord, oory, opah, opai, opec, oped, orad, orae, orca, orch, ordo, ored, oreo, orgy, orig, orra, orth, otic, otoe, over, ovey, ovid, oyer, paar, paca, pace, paco, pact, pacy, pada, padi, paga, page, paha, pahi, paho, paid, pair, para, parc, pard, pare, pari, parr, part, pata, patd, pate, path, pato, paty, pava, pave, pavo, pavy, paye, payt, peag, peai, pear, peat, pech, peda, pega, pegh, peho, perh, peri, pert, perv, peta, peto, phar, phat, phit, phoo, phot, pica, pice, pich, pico, pict, pied, pier, piet, pioy, pirr, pita, pith, pity, poco, poet, pogo, pogy, poha, pooa, pood, pooh, poor, poot, porc, pore, porr, port, pory, pote, poti, prad, prag, prao, prat, pray, prec, pred, pret, prey, prie, prig, prio, priv, proa, proc, prod, prog, proo, prov, ptah, pyat, pyet, pyic, pyot, pyre, pyro, raad, raca, race, rach, racy, rada, rade, raga, rage, ragi, raia, raid, rait, rape, rapt, rara, rare, rata, rate, rath, rato, rave, raya, rcpt, rcvr, read, reap, rear, recd, rect, redo, regd, rego, regr, regt, reit, repo, repr, rept, retd, rhea, rheo, rhet, rice, rich, ricy, ride, rier, riga, riot, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, riva, rive, rivo, road, roar, roch, rode, roed, roer, roey, roid, roit, rood, roop, root, rope, ropy, rort, rory, rota, rotc, rote, roti, roto, rove, royt, ryot, rype, taar, tace, tach, taco, tade, taed, taha, tahr, taig, tapa, tape, tara, tare, tari, taro, tarp, tarr, tava, tave, tche, tchr, tead, teap, tear, teca, tech, tedy, tega, tehr, tepa, tera, terp, terr, thae, thai, thar, thea, thed, they, thig, thio, thir, thoo, thor, thro, tiao, tiar, tice, tich, tide, tidy, tied, tier, tige, tipe, tire, tirr, tivy, toad, toch, toco, toda, tode, tody, toea, toed, toey, toga, toge, togo, toho, toop, tope, toph, topi, topo, topv, torc, tore, tori, toro, torr, toyo, trac, trad, trag, trah, trap, trav, tray, trey, trid, trie, trig, trio, trip, trod, trog, trop, troy, trye, tryp, tyde, tyed, tyer, type, typo, tyro, tyrr, vaad, vada, vade, vady, vage, vagi, vair, vape, vara, vare, vari, vary, veda, vega, vera, verd, veri, vert, very, veta, veto, vica, vice, vide, vied, vier, viga, vita, vite, voar, voce, voet, vogt, void, voop, vota, vote, yade, yagi, yahi, yair, yapa, yard, yare, yarr, yate, yati, yava, ycie, yead, yeah, year, yeat, yech, yedo, yerd, yeta, yeth, yeti, ygoe, yigh, yipe, yird, yirr, yite, yode, yodh, yoga, yogh, yogi, yoho, yoop, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Vectorcardiography

aah, acc, ace, ach, act, acy, adc, ade, adh, ado, adp, adv, ady, aer, aga, age, ago, agr, agt, agy, aha, ahi, aho, aia, aid, air, ait, aor, apa, apc, ape, aph, apr, apt, ara, arc, ard, are, arg, arr, art, ary, ate, atp, ava, ave, avg, avo, aye, ayr, cad, cag, cai, cap, car, cat, cav, cay, cdg, cdr, ceo, cep, cer, cha, che, chg, chi, cho, cia, cid, cie, cig, cir, cit, civ, cod, cog, coo, cop, cor, cot, coy, cpa, cpd, cpi, cpo, cpr, cpt, crc, cro, crt, cry, cte, ctg, cto, ctr, cva, cyc, cyp, dae, dag, dah, dao, dap, dar, dat, day, dca, dea, dec, deg, dei, dep, der, det, dev, dey, dha, dia, die, dig, dip, dir, dit, div, doa, doc, doe, dog, doo, dop, dor, dot, dph, dpi, dpt, dry, dye, ead, ear, eat, ecc, ecg, ech, eco, ect, edh, edo, edp, ego, eir, epa, epi, era, erd, erg, err, ert, eta, etc, eth, ety, evg, eyr, gad, gap, gar, gat, gay, gcd, gdp, ged, geo, ger, get, gey, gid, gie, gio, git, goa, god, goi, goo, gop, gor, got, gov, goy, gpd, gph, gra, gro, grr, gry, gtc, gtd, gte, gye, gyp, had, hae, hag, hao, hap, hat, hav, hay, hed, hei, heo, hep, her, het, hey, hgt, hia, hic, hid, hie, hip, hir, hit, hiv, hoa, hoc, hod, hoe, hog, hoi, hoo, hop, hor, hot, hoy, hvy, hyd, hye, hyp, iaa, iao, ice, ich, icy, ida, ide, ido, idp, ihp, iph, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, ita, itd, iva, ive, ivy, iyo, oad, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, oda, ode, oer, oho, ohv, oie, ooh, oop, oor, oot, opa, ope, opt, opv, ora, orc, ord, ore, org, ort, ory, otc, oto, ova, oye, pac, pad, pah, par, pat, pav, pay, pci, pct, pea, pec, ped, peg, peh, per, pet, phd, phi, pho, phr, pht, pia, pic, pid, pie, pig, pir, pit, poa, pod, poh, poi, poo, por, pot, poy, prc, pre, pro, pry, pta, pte, ptg, pty, pva, pvc, pvt, pya, pye, pyr, rad, rag, rah, rai, rap, rat, ray, rcd, rct, rea, rec, red, reg, reh, rei, rep, rev, rha, rhd, rhe, rho, rhy, ria, rid, rie, rig, rio, rip, rit, riv, roc, rod, roe, rog, roi, roo, rot, rpt, rte, rti, rya, rye, taa, tad, tag, tai, tao, tap, tar, tav, tay, tch, tcp, tdr, tea, tec, ted, teg, ter, tha, thd, the, tho, thy, tic, tid, tie, tig, tip, toa, toc, tod, toe, tog, toi, too, top, tor, tov, toy, tpd, tph, tpi, tra, tri, trp, try, tye, tyg, typ, tyr, vac, vae, vag, var, vat, vcr, veg, vei, ver, vet, via, vic, vid, vie, vig, vip, voc, voe, vog, vor, yad, yag, yah, yap, yar, yat, yea, yed, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yet, ygo, yid, yip, yod, yoe, yoi, yor, yot

Definitions for Vectorcardiography

[1] a method of determining the direction and magnitude of the electrical forces of the heart.

Words nearby Vectorcardiography

vector graphic, vector product, vector space, vector sum, vectorcardiogram, vectorcardiography, vectorial, vecture, vecturist, veda, vedalia

Origin of Vectorcardiography

vector + cardiography

Other words from Vectorcardiography

vec·tor·car·di·o·graph·ic [vek-ter-kahr-dee-uh -graf -ik] /ˌvɛk tərˌkɑr di əˈgræf ɪk/ , adjective