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Showing words for VESTURE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Vesture
6 Letter Words for Vesture
5 Letter Words for Vesture
4 Letter Words for Vesture
3 Letter Words for Vesture
Definitions for Vesture
[1] Law . everything growing on and covering the land, with the exception of trees. any such covering, as grass or wheat.
[2] Archaic . clothing; garments. something that covers like a garment; covering.
[3] Archaic . to clothe or cover.
[4] archaic a garment or something that seems like a garment a vesture of cloud
[5] law everything except trees that grows on the land a product of the land, such as grass, wheat, etc
[6] (tr) archaic to clothe
Words related to Vesture
wardrobe, garb, regalia, attire, sportswear, frock, robe, tunic, stole, habiliment, habit, sack, costume, array, dress, accouterment, frippery, rigging, things, equipment
Words nearby Vesture
vesting, vestmannaeyjar, vestment, vestry, vestryman, vesture, vesuvian, vesuvianite, vesuvianite jade, vesuvius, vet
Origin of Vesture
1300–50; Middle English < Anglo-French; Old French vesteure < Vulgar Latin *vestītūra, equivalent to Latin vestīt(us ), past participle of vestīre (see vest) + -ūra -ure
Other words from Vesture
ves·tur·al , adjective
non·ves·ture , noun
Word origin for Vesture
C14: from Old French, from vestir, from Latin vestīre, from vestis clothing
Synonyms for Vesture
accouterment, apparel, array, caparison, civvies, clothes, costume, covering, drag, drapery, dress, duds, ensemble, equipment, feathers, finery, frippery, frock, garb, garments, gear, habiliment, habit, hand-me-downs, livery, mufti, outfit, overclothes, panoply, rags, raiment, regalia, rigging, sack, sportswear, tatters, things, threads, tog, trappings, trousseau, underclothes, vestment, vines, wardrobe, wear, full feather, get-up, glad rags, tailleur, toggery, tout ensemble