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Showing words for VEX using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Vex
Definitions for Vex
[1] to irritate; annoy; provoke: His noisy neighbors often vexed him.
[2] to torment; trouble; distress; plague; worry: Lack of money vexes many.
[3] to discuss or debate (a subject, question, etc.) with vigor or at great length: to vex a question endlessly without agreeing.
[4] to disturb by motion; stir up; toss about.
[5] to afflict with physical pain.
[6] to anger or annoy
[7] to confuse; worry
[8] archaic to agitate
Words related to Vex
annoy, disturb, perplex, exasperate, displease, peeve, infuriate, disquiet, irritate, offend, rile, irk, torment, agitate, gall, embarrass, afflict, pique, hassle, anger
Words nearby Vex
vetiver, vetivert, vetluga, veto, vetter, vex, vexation, vexatious, vexed, vexillary, vexillate
Origin of Vex
1375–1425; late Middle English vexen < Old French vexer < Latin vexāre to shake, jolt, harass, annoy, frequentative of vehere to carry, convey
Other words from Vex
vex·er , noun
vex·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Vex
C15: from Old French vexer, from Latin vexāre to jolt (in carrying), from vehere to convey
Synonyms for Vex
afflict, agitate, annoy, displease, disquiet, disturb, embarrass, exasperate, gall, infuriate, irk, irritate, offend, peeve, perplex, rile, torment, abrade, aggravate, anger, chafe, depress, eat, fret, harass, harry, hassle, molest, needle, nettle, pester, pique, plague, provoke, rasp, ride, tease, trouble, upset, worry, be at, get in one's hair, get under one's skin, give a bad time, give a hard time, grate on, put out, tick off, turn off