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Showing words for VEXATION using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Vexation
6 Letter Words for Vexation
5 Letter Words for Vexation
4 Letter Words for Vexation
3 Letter Words for Vexation
Definitions for Vexation
[1] the act of vexing.
[2] the state of being vexed; irritation; annoyance: vexation at missing the bus.
[3] something that vexes; a cause of annoyance; nuisance: Rush-hour traffic is a daily vexation.
[4] the act of vexing or the state of being vexed
[5] something that vexes
Words related to Vexation
annoyance, chagrin, bother, agitation, disquiet, aggravation, difficulty, trouble, worry, weariness, pique, hassle, discomfiture, irritation, harassment, mortification
Words nearby Vexation
vetivert, vetluga, veto, vetter, vex, vexation, vexatious, vexed, vexillary, vexillate, vexillographer
Origin of Vexation
1350–1400; Middle English vexacioun < Latin vexātiōn- (stem of vexātiō ), equivalent to vexāt(us ) (past participle of vexāre to vex; see -ate1) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Vexation
self-vex·a·tion , noun
su·per·vex·a·tion , noun
Synonyms for Vexation
aggravation, agitation, annoyance, bother, chagrin, disquiet