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Showing words for VILENESS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Vileness
7 Letter Words for Vileness
6 Letter Words for Vileness
5 Letter Words for Vileness
4 Letter Words for Vileness
3 Letter Words for Vileness
Definitions for Vileness
[1] wretchedly bad: a vile humor.
[2] highly offensive, unpleasant, or objectionable: vile slander.
[3] repulsive or disgusting, as to the senses or feelings: a vile odor.
[4] morally debased, depraved, or despicable: vile deeds.
[5] foul; filthy: vile language.
[6] poor; wretched: vile workmanship.
[7] of mean or low condition: a vile beggar.
[8] menial; lowly: vile tasks.
[9] degraded; ignominious: vile servitude.
[10] of little value or account; paltry: a vile recompense.
[11] abominably wicked; shameful or evil the vile development of slavery appalled them
[12] morally despicable; ignoble vile accusations
[13] disgusting to the senses or emotions; foul a vile smell ; vile epithets
[14] tending to humiliate or degrade only slaves would perform such vile tasks
[15] unpleasant or bad vile weather
[16] paltry a vile reward
Words related to Vileness
viledrunkenness, impropriety, indecency, profanity, vulgarity, smut, pornography, horror, depravity, harm, pain, catastrophe, calamity, ill, wrong, corruption, suffering, misery, hatred, crime
Words nearby Vileness
vilevikings, vil., vila, vila nova de gaia, vilayet, vile, vilify, vilipend, vill, villa, villa cisneros
Origin of Vileness
1250–1300; Middle English vil < Old French < Latin vīlis of little worth, base, cheap
Words that may be confused with Vileness
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, vilevial, vile, viol
Other words from Vileness
vile·ly , adverb
vile·ness , noun
Word origin for Vileness
C13: from Old French vil, from Latin vīlis cheap
Synonyms for Vileness
drunkenness, impropriety, bawdiness, coarseness, crudity, evil, foulness, grossness, immodesty, impurity, incivility, indecorum, indelicacy, lewdness, licentiousness, offense, outrageousness, pornography, ribaldry, smuttiness, unseemliness