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Showing words for VINEGAR using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Vinegar
6 Letter Words for Vinegar
5 Letter Words for Vinegar
4 Letter Words for Vinegar
3 Letter Words for Vinegar
Definitions for Vinegar
[1] a sour liquid consisting of dilute and impure acetic acid, obtained by acetous fermentation from wine, cider, beer, ale, or the like: used as a condiment, preservative, etc.
[2] Pharmacology . a solution of a medicinal substance in dilute acetic acid, or vinegar.
[3] sour or irritable speech, manner, or countenance: a note of vinegar in his voice.
[4] Informal . vigor; high spirits; vim.
[5] a sour-tasting liquid consisting of impure dilute acetic acid, made by oxidation of the ethyl alcohol in beer, wine, or cider. It is used as a condiment or preservative
[6] sourness or peevishness of temper, countenance, speech, etc
[7] pharmacol a medicinal solution in dilute acetic acid
[8] US and Canadian informal vitality
[9] (tr) to apply vinegar to
Words related to Vinegar
marinade, saline, blue, drink, deep, ocean, alkali, preservative, chemical, salt, alcohol, formaldehyde, saltpeter, vigor, strength, force, zeal, energy, pep, drive
Words nearby Vinegar
vine maple, vine snake, vineal, vined, vinedresser, vinegar, vinegar eel, vinegar fly, vinegarette, vinegarish, vinegarroon
Origin of Vinegar
1250–1300; Middle English vinegre < Old French, equivalent to vin wine + egre, aigre sour (see eager1)
Other words from Vinegar
vin·e·gar·like , adjective
Word origin for Vinegar
C13: from Old French vinaigre, from vin wine + aigre sour, from Latin acer sharp
Synonyms for Vinegar
marinade, alkali, blue, deep, drink, ocean, preservative, saline, brackish water, pickling solution, salt water, sea water, sodium chloride solution