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Showing words for VINES using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Vines
4 Letter Words for Vines
3 Letter Words for Vines
Definitions for Vines
[1] any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself about a support or holding fast with tendrils or claspers.
[2] the stem of any such plant.
[3] a grape plant.
[4] any of various plants, esp the grapevine, having long flexible stems that creep along the ground or climb by clinging to a support by means of tendrils, leafstalks, etc
[5] the stem of such a plant
[6] Barbara. See (Ruth) Rendell
Words related to Vines
Words nearby Vines
vinevindicable, vindicate, vindication, vindicatory, vindictive, vine, vine cactus, vine maple, vine snake, vineal, vined
Origin of Vines
1250–1300; Middle English < Old French vi(g)ne < Latin vīnea vine(yard), equivalent to vīn(um ) wine + -ea, feminine of -eus -eous
Other words from Vines
vine·less , adjective
vine·like , adjective
Word origin for Vines
C13: from Old French vine, from Latin vīnea vineyard, from vīneus belonging to wine, from vīnum wine
Synonyms for Vines
creeper, creeping plant, trailing plant