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Showing words for VIOLATE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Violate
6 Letter Words for Violate
5 Letter Words for Violate
4 Letter Words for Violate
3 Letter Words for Violate
Definitions for Violate
[1] to break, infringe, or transgress (a law, rule, agreement, promise, instructions, etc.).
[2] to break in upon or disturb rudely; interfere thoughtlessly with: to violate his privacy.
[3] to break through or pass by force or without right: to violate a frontier.
[4] to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; desecrate; profane: violate a human right.
[5] to molest sexually, especially to rape.
[6] to break, disregard, or infringe (a law, agreement, etc)
[7] to rape or otherwise sexually assault
[8] to disturb rudely or improperly; break in upon
[9] to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; outrage he violated a sanctuary
[10] obsolete to mistreat physically
[11] archaic violated or dishonoured
Words related to Violate
contravene, defy, infringe, offend, oppose, disregard, breach, disrupt, disobey, abuse, invade, withstand, err, profane, meddle, resist, trespass, contaminate, encroach, outrage
Words nearby Violate
viola d'amore, viola da braccio, viola da gamba, violable, violaceous, violate, violation, violative, violence, violent, violent storm
Origin of Violate
1400–50; late Middle English < Latin violātus, past participle of violāre to treat with violence, violate, apparently derivative of violentus violent (taking viol- as base); see -ate1
Other words from Violate
vi·o·la·tor , vi·o·lat·er , noun
pre·vi·o·late , verb (used with object), pre·vi·o·lat·ed, pre·vi·o·lat·ing.
qua·si-vi·o·lat·ed , adjective
re·vi·o·late , verb (used with object), re·vi·o·lat·ed, re·vi·o·lat·ing.
un·vi·o·lat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Violate
C15: from Latin violāre to do violence to, from vīs strength
Synonyms for Violate
breach, contravene, defy, disobey, disregard, disrupt, infringe, offend, oppose, tamper with, contaminate, encroach, err, infract, meddle, outrage, profane, resist, sin, transgress, trespass, withstand, sacrilege, trample on