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Showing words for VISIONARY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Visionary
7 Letter Words for Visionary
6 Letter Words for Visionary
5 Letter Words for Visionary
4 Letter Words for Visionary
3 Letter Words for Visionary
Definitions for Visionary
[1] given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views, or schemes: a visionary enthusiast.
[2] given to or concerned with seeing visions.
[3] belonging to or seen in a vision.
[4] unreal; imaginary: visionary evils.
[5] purely idealistic or speculative; impractical; unrealizable: a visionary scheme.
[6] of, relating to, or proper to a vision.
[7] a person of unusually keen foresight.
[8] a person who sees visions.
[9] a person who is given to audacious, highly speculative, or impractical ideas or schemes; dreamer.
[10] marked by vision or foresight a visionary leader
[11] incapable of being realized or effected; unrealistic
[12] (of people) characterized by idealistic or radical ideas, esp impractical ones
[13] given to having visions
[14] of, of the nature of, or seen in visions
[15] a visionary person
Words related to Visionary
noble, grandiose, idealistic, radical, introspective, ambitious, quixotic, starry-eyed, lofty, seer, prophet, zealot, idealist, dreamer, romantic, theorist, ideal, utopian, dreaming, imaginary
Words nearby Visionary
vision board, vision cloth, vision mixer, vision quest, visional, visionary, visioned, visit, visitable, visitant, visitation
Origin of Visionary
First recorded in 1640–50; vision + -ary
Other words from Visionary
vi·sion·ar·i·ness , noun
non·vi·sion·ar·y , adjective, noun
un·vi·sion·ar·y , adjective
Synonyms for Visionary
ambitious, grandiose, idealistic, introspective, lofty, noble, quixotic, radical, starry-eyed, daydreaming, dreaming, ideal, idealist, imaginary, musing, utopian, abstracted, astral, chimerical, delusory, dreamy, exalted, fanciful, fantastic, illusory, impractical, in the clouds, otherworldly, pretentious, prophetic, speculative, unreal, unrealistic, unworkable, unworldly