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Showing words for VITALITY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Vitality
6 Letter Words for Vitality
5 Letter Words for Vitality
4 Letter Words for Vitality
3 Letter Words for Vitality
Definitions for Vitality
[1] exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality.
[2] capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitality of an institution.
[3] power to live or grow: the vitality of a language.
[4] vital force or principle.
[5] physical or mental vigour, energy, etc
[6] the power or ability to continue in existence, live, or grow the vitality of a movement
[7] a less common name for vital force
Words related to Vitality
vigor, continuity, spunk, strength, verve, endurance, clout, stamina, intensity, exuberance, pizzazz, force, being, bounce, vim, zing, go, existence, get-up-and-go, zest
Words nearby Vitality
vital stain, vital staining, vital statistics, vitalian, vitalism, vitality, vitality test, vitalize, vitallium, vitalometer, vitals
Origin of Vitality
1585–95; < Latin vītālitās, equivalent to vītāli(s ) vital + -tās- -ty2
Other words from Vitality
non·vi·tal·i·ty , noun
su·per·vi·tal·i·ty , noun
Synonyms for Vitality
clout, continuity, endurance, exuberance, intensity, spunk, stamina, strength, verve, vigor, animation, ardor, audacity, bang, being, bloom, bounce, drive, existence, fervor, force, get-up-and-go, go, guts, life, liveliness, lustiness, pep, pizzazz, power, pulse, punch, robustness, snap, sparkle, starch, steam, stuff, venturesomeness, vim, vivacity, zest, zing, zip, vivaciousness