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Showing words for VOGUE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Vogue
4 Letter Words for Vogue
3 Letter Words for Vogue
Definitions for Vogue
[1] something in fashion, as at a particular time: Short hairdos were the vogue in the twenties.
[2] popular currency, acceptance, or favor; popularity: The book is having a great vogue.
[3] the popular style at a specified time (esp in the phrase in vogue )
[4] a period of general or popular usage or favour the vogue for such dances is now over
[5] (usually prenominal) popular or fashionable a vogue word
Words related to Vogue
mod, now, in, latest, rage, style, popularity, prevalence, trend, favor, practice, use, custom, currency, thing, craze, way, usage, chic, fad
Words nearby Vogue
vogelstein, vogelweide, vogie, vogt-spielmeyer disease, vogts, vogue, vogue word, vogueing, voguing, voguish, vogul
Origin of Vogue
1565–75; < Middle French: wave or course of success < Old Italian voga a rowing, derivative of vogare to row, sail < ?
Other words from Vogue
pre·vogue , noun
Word origin for Vogue
C16: from French: a rowing, fashion, from Old Italian voga, from vogare to row, of unknown origin
Synonyms for Vogue
in, latest, mod, now, rage, faddy, modish, popular, prevalent, state-of-the-art, trendy, up-to-the-minute, with it