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Showing words for WALE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Wale
3 Letter Words for Wale
Definitions for Wale
[1] a streak, stripe, or ridge produced on the skin by the stroke of a rod or whip; welt.
[2] the vertical rib in knit goods or a chain of loops running lengthwise in knit fabric (opposed to course).
[3] the texture or weave of a fabric.
[4] Nautical . any of certain strakes of thick outside planking on the sides of a wooden ship. gunwale.
[5] Also called breast timber, ranger, waling. Engineering , Building Trades . a horizontal timber or other support for reinforcing various upright members, as sheet piling or concrete form boards, or for retaining earth at the edge of an excavation.
[6] a ridge on the outside of a horse collar.
[7] to mark with wales.
[8] to weave with wales.
[9] Engineering , Building Trades . to reinforce or fasten with a wale or wales.
[10] something that is selected as the best; choice.
[11] to choose; select.
[12] the raised mark left on the skin after the stroke of a rod or whip
[13] the weave or texture of a fabric, such as the ribs in corduroy a vertical row of stitches in knitting Compare course (def. 14)
[14] nautical a ridge of planking along the rail of a ship See gunwale
[15] to raise a wale or wales on by striking
[16] to weave with a wale
[17] a choice
[18] anything chosen as the best
[19] choice
[20] (tr) to choose
Words related to Wale
streak, ridge, weal, texture, mark, welt, strip, grain, rib, weave
Words nearby Wale
waldo, waldorf salad, waldstein, waldsterben, waldwick, wale, waler, wales, walesa, lech, waley, walfish bay
Origin of Wale
21250–1300; Middle English wal(e ) < Old Norse val choice, velja to choose
Word origin for Wale
C14: from Old Norse val choice, related to German Wahl
Synonyms for Wale
grain, mark, rib, ridge, streak, strip, texture, weal, weave, welt