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Showing words for WALKOUT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Walkout
6 Letter Words for Walkout
5 Letter Words for Walkout
4 Letter Words for Walkout
3 Letter Words for Walkout
Definitions for Walkout
[1] a strike by workers.
[2] the act of leaving or being absent from a meeting, especially as an expression of protest.
[3] a doorway in a building or room that gives direct access to the outdoors: a home with a sliding-glass walkout from the living room to the patio.
[4] having a doorway that gives direct access to the outdoors: a walkout basement.
Words related to Walkout
discharge, clemency, riot, revolt, protest, demonstration, sit-down, closure, interruption, layoff, blockage, shutdown, cutoff, lockout, gridlock, strike, parade, sit-in, retirement, flight
Words nearby Walkout
walking stick, walking ticket, walking wounded, walking-around money, walkman, walkout, walkover, walkshorts, walkway, walky-talky, walkyrie
Origin of Walkout
1885–90, Americanism ; noun, adj. use of verb phrase walk out
Synonyms for Walkout
clemency, discharge, absolution, acquittal, acquittance, charge, commute, deliverance, emancipation, exemption, exoneration, floater, freedom, freeing, liberation, liberty, lifeboat, lifesaver, manumission, relief, spring, turnout, let-off