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Showing words for WANTON using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Wanton
[1] done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably: a wanton attack; wanton cruelty.
[2] deliberate and without motive or provocation; uncalled-for; headstrong; willful: Why jeopardize your career in such a wanton way?
[3] without regard for what is right, just, humane, etc.; careless; reckless: a wanton attacker of religious convictions.
[4] sexually lawless or unrestrained; loose; lascivious; lewd: wanton behavior.
[5] extravagantly or excessively luxurious, as a person, manner of living, or style.
[6] luxuriant, as vegetation.
[7] Archaic . sportive or frolicsome, as children or young animals. having free play: wanton breezes; a wanton brook.
[8] a wanton or lascivious person, especially a woman.
[9] to behave in a wanton manner; become wanton.
[10] to squander, especially in pleasure (often followed by away ): to wanton away one's inheritance.
[11] dissolute, licentious, or immoral
[12] without motive, provocation, or justification wanton destruction
[13] maliciously and unnecessarily cruel or destructive
[14] unrestrained wanton spending
[15] archaic , or poetic playful or capricious
[16] archaic (of vegetation, etc) luxuriant or superabundant
[17] a licentious person, esp a woman
[18] a playful or capricious person
[19] (intr) to behave in a wanton manner
[20] (tr) to squander or waste
Words related to Wanton
outrageous, promiscuous, lewd, shameless, gratuitous, unjust, needless, senseless, vicious, unjustified, arbitrary, willful, unjustifiable, unprovoked, extravagant, capricious, reckless, wasteful, libertine, abandoned
Words nearby Wanton
wantage, wantagh, wantaway, wanted, wanting, wanton, wanxian, wany, wap, wapatoo, wapentake
Origin of Wanton
1250–1300; Middle English wantowen literally, undisciplined, ill-reared, Old English wan- not + togen past participle of tēon to discipline, rear, cognate with German ziehen, Latin dūcere to lead; akin to tow1
Words that may be confused with Wanton
Other words from Wanton
wan·ton·ly , adverb
wan·ton·ness , noun
un·wan·ton , adjective
Word origin for Wanton
C13 wantowen (in the obsolete sense: unmanageable, unruly): from wan- (prefix equivalent to un- 1 ; related to Old English wanian to wane ) + -towen, from Old English togen brought up, from tēon to bring up
Synonyms for Wanton
lewd, outrageous, promiscuous, shameless, abandoned, fast, libertine, profligate, X-rated, lax, libidinous, licentious, speedy, unprincipled, unscrupulous, wayward