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Showing words for WASTE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Waste
4 Letter Words for Waste
3 Letter Words for Waste
Definitions for Waste
[1] to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words.
[2] to fail or neglect to use: to waste an opportunity.
[3] to destroy or consume gradually; wear away: The waves waste the rock of the shore.
[4] to wear down or reduce in bodily substance, health, or strength; emaciate; enfeeble: to be wasted by disease or hunger.
[5] to destroy, devastate, or ruin: a country wasted by a long and futile war.
[6] Slang . to kill or murder.
[7] to be consumed, spent, or employed uselessly or without giving full value or being fully utilized or appreciated.
[8] to become gradually consumed, used up, or worn away: A candle wastes in burning.
[9] to become physically worn; lose flesh or strength; become emaciated or enfeebled.
[10] to diminish gradually; dwindle, as wealth, power, etc.: The might of England is wasting.
[11] to pass gradually, as time.
[12] useless consumption or expenditure; use without adequate return; an act or instance of wasting: The project was a waste of material, money, time, and energy.
[13] neglect, instead of use: waste of opportunity.
[14] gradual destruction, impairment, or decay: the waste and repair of bodily tissue.
[15] devastation or ruin, as from war or fire.
[16] a region or place devastated or ruined: The forest fire left a blackened waste.
[17] anything unused, unproductive, or not properly utilized.
[18] an uncultivated tract of land.
[19] a wild region or tract of land; desolate country, desert, or the like.
[20] an empty, desolate, or dreary tract or extent: a waste of snow.
[21] anything left over or superfluous, as excess material or by-products, not of use for the work in hand: a fortune made in salvaging factory wastes.
[22] remnants, as from the working of cotton, used for wiping machinery, absorbing oil, etc.
[23] Physical Geography . material derived by mechanical and chemical disintegration of rock, as the detritus transported by streams, rivers, etc.
[24] garbage; refuse.
[25] wastes, excrement.
[26] not used or in use: waste energy; waste talents.
[27] (of land, regions, etc.) wild, desolate, barren, or uninhabited; desert.
[28] (of regions, towns, etc.) in a state of desolation and ruin, as from devastation or decay.
[29] left over or superfluous: to utilize waste products of manufacture.
[30] having served or fulfilled a purpose; no longer of use.
[31] rejected as useless or worthless; refuse: to salvage waste products.
[32] Physiology . pertaining to material unused by or unusable to the organism.
[33] designed or used to receive, hold, or carry away excess, superfluous, used, or useless material (often in combination): a waste pipe; waste container.
[34] Obsolete . excessive; needless.
[35] go to waste , to fail to be used or consumed; be wasted: She hates to see good food go to waste.
[36] lay waste , to devastate; destroy; ruin: Forest fires lay waste thousands of acres yearly.
[37] (tr) to use, consume, or expend thoughtlessly, carelessly, or to no avail
[38] (tr) to fail to take advantage of to waste an opportunity
[39] (when intr, often foll by away ) to lose or cause to lose bodily strength, health, etc
[40] to exhaust or become exhausted
[41] (tr) to ravage
[42] (tr) informal to murder or kill I want that guy wasted by tomorrow
[43] the act of wasting or state of being wasted
[44] a failure to take advantage of something
[45] anything unused or not used to full advantage
[46] anything or anyone rejected as useless, worthless, or in excess of what is required
[47] garbage, rubbish, or trash
[48] a land or region that is devastated or ruined
[49] a land or region that is wild or uncultivated
[50] physiol the useless products of metabolism indigestible food residue
[51] disintegrated rock material resulting from erosion
[52] law reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect, esp by a life-tenant
[53] rejected as useless, unwanted, or worthless
[54] produced in excess of what is required
[55] not cultivated, inhabited, or productive waste land
[56] of or denoting the useless products of metabolism of or denoting indigestible food residue
[57] destroyed, devastated, or ruined
[58] designed to contain or convey waste products
[59] lay waste to devastate or destroy
Words related to Waste
misuse, debris, scrap, trash, rubbish, blow, exhaust, drain, consume, lavish, deplete, dissipate, lose, divert, undermine, squander, reduce, spoil, dilapidation, misapplication
Words nearby Waste
wassily chair, wassup, wast, wast water, wastage, waste, waste away, waste disposal unit, waste gate, waste heat recovery, waste land, the
Origin of Waste
1150–1200; 1960–65 for def 6 ; (adj.) Middle English < Old North French wast (Old French g(u)ast ) < Latin vāstus desolate; (v.) Middle English < Old North French waster (Old French g(u)aster ) < Latin vāstāre, derivative of vāstus; (noun) Middle English < Old North French wast(e ) (Old French g(u)aste ), partly < Latin vāstum, noun use of neuter of vāstus, partly derivative of waster; Old North French w-, Old French gu- by influence of cognate with Frankish *wōsti desolate (cognate with Old High German wuosti )
Words that may be confused with Waste
Other words from Waste
wast·a·ble , adjective
waste·less , adjective
out·waste , verb (used with object), out·wast·ed, out·wast·ing.
un·wast·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Waste
C13: from Anglo-French waster, from Latin vastāre to lay waste, from vastus empty
Synonyms for Waste
misuse, decay, desolation, destruction, devastation, dilapidation, dissipation, disuse, exhaustion, expenditure, extravagance, fritter, havoc, improvidence, lavishness, loss, misapplication, overdoing, prodigality, ravage, ruin, squander, squandering, wastage, wastefulness, lost opportunity, unthriftiness