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Showing words for WATCHDOG using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Watchdog

dogwatch, watchdog

6 Letter Words for Watchdog

gotcha, wotcha

5 Letter Words for Watchdog

cagot, cahot, cahow, choga, chota, datch, docht, gatch, gotch, gotha, octad, owght, tacho, tchad, watch, whatd

4 Letter Words for Watchdog

actg, acth, atoc, atwo, cath, chad, chao, chat, chaw, chow, coat, coda, coth, dago, dato, dawt, dhaw, dhow, doat, doha, doth, dowt, gath, gawd, ghat, goad, goat, goth, gowd, hoga, oath, ocht, octa, odah, tach, taco, thaw, thow, toad, toch, toda, toga, towd, wadt, wagh, wath, what, whoa, whod, whot, woad

3 Letter Words for Watchdog

ach, act, adc, adh, ado, ago, agt, aho, awd, cad, cag, cat, caw, cdg, cha, chg, cho, cod, cog, cot, cow, ctg, cto, cwo, cwt, dag, dah, dao, dat, daw, dca, dha, doa, doc, dog, dot, dow, dwt, gad, gat, gaw, gcd, goa, god, got, gtc, gtd, had, hag, hao, hat, haw, hgt, hoa, hoc, hod, hog, hot, how, hwt, oad, oat, oca, och, oct, oda, otc, owd, owt, tad, tag, tao, taw, tch, tha, thd, tho, toa, toc, tod, tog, tow, twa, two, wac, wad, wag, wah, wat, wha, who, woa, wod, wog, wot

Definitions for Watchdog

[1] a dog kept to guard property.
[2] a watchful guardian: a self-appointed watchdog of the public morals.
[3] of, relating to, or characteristic of a watchdog.
[4] organized or functioning as a watchful guardian, especially against illegal or unethical conduct: a watchdog group in the legislature.
[5] to watch carefully, especially so as to detect illegal or unethical conduct.
[6] a dog kept to guard property
[7] a person or group of persons that acts as a protector or guardian against inefficiency, illegal practices, etc (as modifier ) a watchdog committee

Words related to Watchdog

auditor, caretaker, administrator, superintendent, curator, steward, warden, overseer, keeper, supervisor, protector, adviser, informant, listener, director, counselor, guide, invigilator, bodyguard, guardian

Words nearby Watchdog

watch pocket, watch-glass, watchable, watchband, watchcase, watchdog, watched pot never boils, a, watcher, watcheye, watchful, watchless

Origin of Watchdog

First recorded in 1600–10; watch + dog

Synonyms for Watchdog

auditor, adviser, counselor, director, guide, informant, invigilator, listener, overseer, supervisor, eaves-dropper