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Showing words for WAVEOFF using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Waveoff
5 Letter Words for Waveoff
avowe, fovea
4 Letter Words for Waveoff
avow, fave, fawe, waff, wave, wove
3 Letter Words for Waveoff
aff, ave, avo, awe, eff, eof, fao, faw, few, ffa, foe, fow, oaf, off, ova, owe, vae, vaw, vfw, voe, vow, wae, waf, wef, woa, woe
Definitions for Waveoff
[1] (on an aircraft carrier) the last-minute signaling to an aircraft making its final landing approach that it is not to land on that particular pass but is to go around and come in again.
[2] the postponement of a scheduled landing, as of a space shuttle, due to bad weather anticipated at the landing site.
[3] a signal or instruction to an aircraft not to land
Words nearby Waveoff
wave-offwave train, wave trap, wave-and-pay, wave-cut platform, wave-form, wave-off, wave-particle duality, waveband, waved, waveform, wavefront
Origin of Waveoff
-offnoun use of verb phrase wave off