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Showing words for WEAN using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Wean
3 Letter Words for Wean
Definitions for Wean
[1] to accustom (a child or young animal) to food other than its mother's milk; cause to lose the need to suckle or turn to the mother for food.
[2] to withdraw (a person, the affections, one's dependency, etc.) from some object, habit, form of enjoyment, or the like: The need to reduce had weaned us from rich desserts.
[3] wean on , to accustom to; to familiarize with from, or as if from, childhood: a brilliant student weaned on the classics; suburban kids weaned on rock music.
[4] to cause (a child or young mammal) to replace mother's milk by other nourishment
[5] (usually foll by from) to cause to desert former habits, pursuits, etc
[6] Scot and Northern English dialect a child; infant
Words related to Wean
discourage, halt, remove, unaccustom
Words nearby Wean
weal, weald, wealth, wealth tax, wealthy, wean, weaner, weanling, weapon, weapon system, weaponeer
Origin of Wean
before 1000; Middle English wenen, Old English wenian; cognate with Dutch wennen, German gewöhnen, Old Norse venja to accustom
Words that may be confused with Wean
Other words from Wean
wean·ed·ness [wee -nid-nis, weend -] /ˈwi nɪd nɪs, ˈwind-/ , noun
post·wean·ing , adjective
pre·wean·ing , adjective
un·weaned , adjective
Word origin for Wean
a contraction of wee ane or perhaps a shortened form of weanling