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Showing words for WEATHERIZE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Weatherize
8 Letter Words for Weatherize
atheizer, etherize, heterize, wheatier, wheezier
7 Letter Words for Weatherize
atheize, iwearth, thawier, thewier, tweezer, waterie, weather, wheezer, whereat, wraithe, wreathe
6 Letter Words for Weatherize
aether, artize, either, ethize, hazier, hearie, heater, heezie, hereat, reheat, rehete, rethaw, tawier, teazer, thawer, tweeze, waiter, wather, weeter, wether, whatre, wheare, wheeze, whiter, wither, wraith, wreath, wrethe, wrihte, writee, writhe, zither
5 Letter Words for Weatherize
aerie, airth, arete, arite, arith, awhet, awhir, earth, eater, eathe, eerie, ether, etwee, haire, hater, hawer, hazer, heare, heart, heeze, heize, hertz, hewer, hiate, hiera, hiree, irate, ither, rathe, razee, reate, rethe, retia, retie, rewet, rewth, rithe, tarie, tawer, tawie, teaze, tehee, terai, tewer, theer, theia, their, there, thrae, thraw, three, threw, tiraz, tweer, twere, twier, waite, warez, warth, water, wazir, weete, weeze, wehee, weize, whare, whart, whear, wheat, wheer, where, white, withe, wrate, wrath, wreat, write, writh, zaire, zihar
4 Letter Words for Weatherize
aire, airt, aith, aret, arew, arte, awee, eath, eira, eire, erat, eria, erie, erth, ethe, ewer, ewte, ezra, hair, hait, hare, hart, hate, haze, hear, heat, heer, heir, hera, here, hert, hete, hewe, hewt, hire, iare, ieee, iter, izar, rait, rate, rath, raze, reet, reit, rete, rhea, rhet, rita, rite, ritz, riza, tahr, tare, tari, tear, teer, tehr, tera, thae, thai, thar, thaw, thea, thee, thew, thir, tiar, tier, tire, tiza, trah, tree, trew, trez, trie, twae, twee, twie, wair, wait, ware, wart, wate, wath, wear, weer, weet, weir, were, weri, wert, weta, whar, what, whee, whet, whir, whit, whiz, wire, wite, with, writ, zari, zati, zeta, zira, zite
3 Letter Words for Weatherize
aer, ahi, air, ait, are, art, ate, awe, azt, ear, eat, eer, eir, era, ere, ert, eta, eth, ewe, ewt, hae, hat, haw, hee, hei, her, het, hew, hia, hie, hir, hit, hwt, ira, ire, ita, iwa, rah, rai, rat, raw, rea, ree, reh, rei, rew, rez, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rit, riz, rte, rti, rtw, tai, tar, taw, tea, tee, ter, tew, tez, tha, the, tie, tra, tri, twa, twi, wae, wah, war, wat, wee, wer, wet, wha, whr, wir, wit, wiz, zar, zat, zea, zee, zer, zit
Definitions for Weatherize
[1] to make (a house or other building) secure against cold or stormy weather, as by adding insulation, siding, and storm windows.
Words nearby Weatherize
weathered, weatherfish, weatherford, weatherglass, weathering, weatherize, weatherly, weatherman, weatherperson, weatherproof, weatherproofer
Origin of Weatherize
First recorded in 1940–45; weather + -ize
Other words from Weatherize
weath·er·i·za·tion , noun