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Showing words for WEND using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Wend
3 Letter Words for Wend
Definitions for Wend
[1] to pursue or direct (one's way).
[2] to proceed or go.
[3] a member of a Slavic people of E Germany; Sorb.
[4] to direct (one's course or way); travel wend one's way home
[5] (esp in medieval European history) a Sorb; a member of the Slavonic people who inhabited the area between the Rivers Saale and Oder in the early Middle Ages and were conquered by Germanic invaders by the 12th century See also Lusatia
Words related to Wend
meander, saunter, go, travel, journey, pass, proceed, shift, alter
Words nearby Wend
wenatchee, wenceslaus, wench, wenchow, wenckebach period, wend, wend one's way, wendell, wendigo, wendish, wendy
Origin of Wend
1780–90; < German Wende, Old High German Winida; cognate with Old English Winedas (plural)
Word origin for Wend
Old English wendan; related to Old High German wenten, Gothic wandjan; see wind ²