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Showing words for WHAUP using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Whaup


4 Letter Words for Whaup

hapu, hupa, waup, whap, whau, whup

3 Letter Words for Whaup

ahu, aph, auh, hap, hau, haw, hup, pah, pau, paw, phu, pua, puh, wah, wap, wha, wup

Definitions for Whaup

[1] a curlew, Numenius arquata.
[2] mainly Scot a popular name for the curlew

Words nearby Whaup

whatnot, whatsis, whatsit, whatsoe'er, whatsoever, whaup, whaur, wheal, wheal-and-flare reaction, wheat, wheat beer

Origin of Whaup

1505–15; perhaps representing earlier *whalp, akin (by gradation) to Old English hwilpe plover

Word origin for Whaup

C16: related to Old English huilpe, ultimately imitative of the bird's cry; compare Low German regenwilp sandpiper